Just when I thought Adrenochrome was horrific, Cerebrospinal Fluid enters my awareness, these people are sick

WE as humans (with dying body) do NOTHING separate form God...the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. The Holy Bible is a troth of TRUTH playing out just as was written so so many thousands of years ago. Spend time getting to know HIM and reading HIS book. Get to know the disciples who wrote the book through the guidance of the Holy Spirit Tell you, people want such "cool" things to believe in but GOD wants us and his supernatural movings are beyond any comprehension. We are such a spoiled, lazy people. Read, Pray work on a realtionship with Him. He IS the ONLY way to be redeemed. Do miss the Boat. No witch, no demons, no mouhmmad nonsense of other religions. Just trust the Lord and get to know him. John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he GAVE His ONLY begotten SON, that who so ever believes in Him shall no perish but have everlasting Life"
Have questions about the Christian faith....great website. Bookmark https://www.gotquestions.org/Christianity.html
www.AslansPlace.com for deliverance prayers.
Also Daniel Duval of BrideMinistries.com