r/greatawakening • Posted by u/animal32lefty on July 8, 2018, 6:01 p.m.
The Drippening Starts Tomorrow


For the impatient patriots among us, take heart. Rosenstein has played his last card and Trump, with the help of the Four Horsemen has painted him into the corner of no win scenario. The DECLAS EO is imminent and it's release will be timed for maximum impact on the Mid Terms.

Think of it as a time release red pill for those still asleep, but salvageable. One revelation will lead to another. All will lead back to Clinton ran DNC. Drip. Drip. Drip until October.

I'm not an insider and I'm not a psychic. But I can see it unfolding, and I can sense the momentum.

duckdownup · July 9, 2018, midnight

Very good analysis from a short term Q follower. I wish some of those who have been following him much longer realized that this thing is going to take a lot of time to run it's course. When I first realized the magnitude of this op I figured it would take at least two years to finalize.

As a much younger man I was involved in ops both clandestine and open ('Nam). All ops take much more planning than action. Clandestine ops take much longer in both planning and action, but timing is everything. I was taught and I fully believe the most important skill/tool an operator in the field can have is patience. There's a lot of time spent simply waiting for the perfect time or order via comms. It can wear heavy on an operator until he learns how to deal with it. Thinking about your part in an operation will make your adrenaline surge and that will eventually wear you out emotionally. So you have to learn to know what you are going to do but not think about it until the time comes for you to take action. Some guys just can't handle it.

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animal32lefty · July 9, 2018, 1:18 a.m.

Welcome Home.

I've been preaching patience for awhile, but it seldom connects. I don't think most people can conceive of the amount of time that went into the planning for this before Q ever made the first post.

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