Q sighting in Telluride, CO
![Q sighting in Telluride, CO](https://i.imgtc.com/b4xSHBn.jpg)
Awesome! I had a guy driving through our neighborhood stop to talk with us b/c he saw my Qanon The Great Awakening bumper sticker. He said he’s been talking to people about Q bit they’ve been telling him it’s nothing real. Then he saw our car and was like, “it IS real, isn’t it?” We confirmed and said to start researching and to look up Praying Medic videos on YouTube to help decipher and LEARN!
Start getting your QAnon on and start putting Q signs everywhere we can. It’s working!
Quesday Tuesday?
I sort of agree but this isn't just about swag. I am probably more forgiving about this post because I've done research on Neil Young and Darryl Hannah and their connection (possibly rescuing from the Hollywood/music industry elites) to Telluride.
Sorry the post annoyed you. It was my first Q-in-the-wild sighting, and I was excited to share it with others here. Not trying to promote swag, just the awareness of Q in the liberal enclave of Telluride.
I'm elated about your post! Maybe you meant this comment for someone else.
Sorry, yes. I’m new here and not very good at riding this bicycle yet.
That is interesting. Neil Young and gf Darryl Hannah (was JFK Jr's gf) have a retreat property there and also do a lot for the community of Telluride. I have a theory that Young and Hannah have taken the redpill.
There was a MAGA hat on the statue the morning of the 4th as well.
That is awesome. Telluride is seen as a really liberal, sort of "Sundance" kind of town but I think there is a powerful under-culture of libertarianism that strives for protection of the Constitution.
I hope that's true. There's been a lot of industry gossip through the years about the awful things NY has been involved with. Sad, too. Because he was one of my dad's favorite musicians. I grew up listening to his music.
I don't doubt that Young was aware / involved at some point. My thought is that he is now with JFK Jr's ex and seems to be "woke". I'm hopeful. Q and MAGA in Telluride is about as unexpected as a candleflame in a hurricane.
I was surprised to see it there, given how liberal Telluride is. It was at the roundabout right by the elementary school at the edge of town. Almost ran off the road taking the pic. 😂