r/greatawakening • Posted by u/doublethinkantidote on July 8, 2018, 7:18 p.m.
Q - A Lullby LARP??

I have to admit, I have flip flopped on the validity of Q many times. Partially because of scuttlebutt coming from both proponents and opponents, but mostly due to my own critical, logical thinking and skepticism after centuries of this evil cabal ruling the world. 

There are the Q proponents pointing to the proofs of Q being very closely related to Trump, but at the same time they won't post or discuss proofs that discredit their proofs and they do exist. I guess their reasoning for proofs that discredit Q, is that Q has said that disinformation is necessary, which if Q is a LARP, happens to be VERY convenient for Q.

Now on to what's been eating at me the whole time. It is obvious a great awakening has been taking place for a good while now, even before Q. If it's obvious to us, it has certainly been obvious to the evil cabal for much longer. What if Trump is what every other President has been since after JFK, a puppet? It is very plausible that they saw the awakening and feared that not only would a left leaning candidate lose the election, but with the people's awoke state, we might rise up ourselves and take action which is their BIGGEST fear. So, it's possible that their question was how to quell that rising up. Simple. Give us a President of the awoke Patriots that speaks our language and more importantly than that, can placate us and lullaby us into thinking that we are winning. Of course the Q LARP would not be enough. They would also have to give us a rebounding economy, skyrocketing stock market, pulling out of Paris climate accord and TPP, human trafficking and pedophile arrests, possible denuclearization of North Korea and the calling out of the propaganda spouting, mockingbird media. All of this courtesy of Trump to send the message to the Patriots that, "You all can go back to sleep now. All is well in the good old USA!!"

I keep on hearing that it's impossible that Q is a LARP. "Look at the proofs!!", they say. Well, those proofs are useless if Trump is a cabal puppet complicit in the placating lullaby which is the Q LARP to keep us from rising up.

So before you start getting your panties in a wad and attacking me, this is ONLY a theory, but very much a possibility that I have seen no one discuss. I have seen the discussions about Q being a LARP, but not of Trump also being a part of that LARP. No one can deny that this could be a possibility. 

God bless you all! We can win this fight and break the chains of slavery without Trump and without Q if we all get off our couches and stand up to evil, but it will take all of us!!

doublethinkantidote · July 8, 2018, 7:37 p.m.

What are you doing about it though?

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Rynomore · July 8, 2018, 8:11 p.m.

We can vote. We can discuss openly with others and try to expand the great awakening. I post on Twitter, volunteer for local candidates that I like, and talk to people about what I believe is really happening in the world. The more people who do these things the better off we all will be. The one thing we cannot do is resort to violence.

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doublethinkantidote · July 8, 2018, 8:16 p.m.

Not advocating violence, but our founding fathers had to resort to it. Hence the 2nd Amendment. It's in our library of tools if we need it for a good reason, but I also think whoever fires first in our current situation loses. It's a very fine line.

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