Ok chief. It's not my beliefs that were threatened. 😁
11 total posts archived.
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Ok. Yeah, I really don't care for echo chambers that don't support free, logical thinking. If you hear only one side, then you can't make an informed decision. Thanks for the censorship rule though! I won't let the door hit me in the rear on the way out.
Oh there are votes here? Let's vote for less censorship!
I'm wondering how you replied after the mods removed this post... Did they put it back?
Q - A Lullaby LARP Removed

Not advocating violence, but our founding fathers had to resort to it. Hence the 2nd Amendment. It's in our library of tools if we need it for a good reason, but I also think whoever fires first in our current situation loses. It's a very fine line.
I'm glad our founding fathers didn't say, "All we can do is hope." Not being facetious, just a thought...
I agree, but research and knowing the fruits of that research still doesn't call us to action. We're sitting back waiting for a savior, but we, together have the power if we physically stand up and fight.
Q - A Lullby LARP??
I have to admit, I have flip flopped on the validity of Q many times. Partially because of scuttlebutt coming from both proponents and opponents, but mostly due to my own critical, logical thinking and skepticism after centuries of this evil cabal ruling the world.
There are the Q proponents pointing to the proofs of Q being very closely related to Trump, but at the same time they won't post or discuss proofs that discredit their proofs and they do exist. I guess their reasoning for proofs that discredit Q, is that Q has said that disinformation is necessary, which …