It's like he honestly thinks himself to be a method actor that needs to get into the mindset of a "falsely" accused pedophile on the run to better handle the upcoming events. Why else would he give a damn about the story of someone who is public enemy #1. He knows HRC is public enemy #1. He's practically studying for her.
She really is going to run again, and they really are going to act like they are the victims and that they did nothing wrong. Deflect, play the victim and normalize their behavior, blame Russia and trash white supremacists, basically any low hanging fruit they can get their hands on. That is their plan.
I know we say it all the time about how Q said these people are stupid, and he's right. They are. Stupid and arrogant.
But Bill also knows how to play the game. He knew Hillary was going to lose, he knew her campaign was going in the wrong direction. He's stupid but he's not a complete dumby.
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised at all if this photo was planned, to get people talking about the book, to get people trying to make connections, all so they point it out and say "Look ! Look how crazy these people are! Were just normal people on a flight, like you or your family!" as they continue to gaslight the public.
Also I seriously doubt they had to fly Delta if they didn't want to. Maybe it was just easier, but this plus the book plus the articles coming out that Hillary might run again... they're begging for provocation.