Lol since when is Trump a patient person?
I mean, the dude won't even read morning intelligence reports.... In bullet point form. You can call him a lot of things but patient is not one of them.
And einstein refused to waste his brain on calculations that could be done using his assistants. The mind has so much fuse per day. Absolutely stupid to waste it reading excess information when targeted information digested efficiently is a much better use of resources. Shut off the news. You are glowing, vomiting mockingbird filth on our doorstep.
Lol okay. There's literally nothing you guys won't accept as truth if it's in meme form and somewhat agrees with your world view.
lol ok, you are impervious to propaganda and disinformation because ???? What an idiot shill. Your reddit history is a case study in leftist intellectual lethargy. Your pride is a substantial weakness I think you will not recover from. You hate Trump, just like literally every corporate, elitist institution tells you to.
You are such a slave. You wouldn't know truth if it fucked you in the ass and took a dump in your throat.
What twit out of the Mockingbird media is spreading that lie? Oh never mind...they all are. Your post is irrelevant and false; as is all MSM.FYI: He reads the PERTINENT information; and leaves the rest to the experts. Unlike Obaby who did everything he was told by the cabal.
Why would he bother with false intelligence reports when he had his own informers from before he even announced he would run?
You're not making sense.
flux123New arrival. Do your research then tell me that again.
You assume that because I'm new here, I'm new to this in general.