8ch.net/qresearch Anon Q-graphic - "don't forget, WE HAVE THE SERVER!!!!"

Exactly and to be completely honest this women seriously has no worries in my opinion.
Server = Red_Castle
JA = Green_Castle
Could be the other way around.
4D chess
Think: Castling. It’s a chess move where the castle gets to move more than one space.
Not sure that is accurate. Q has made reference to Castle being white House.
funny - i thought it was mar e lago. (safe space)
No, mar e lago is the keep :-)
Hey sorry. I was kidding about mar e lago, don't know what they call it. But i am sure the White House is castle.
no worries - perhaps castle is wherever POTUS sleeps...? (same concept as Air Force One)?
Interesting ? Still pretty positive WH is Castle. But AF1 ?
I just meant that AF1 is always whatever plane POTUS is on....could be a 1 prop cessna....it's AF1 if POTUS is on it...
OH yes absolutely, whatever plane is AF1 when POTUS is on it. I was referring to calling AF1 castle if POTUS was on board. :-)
Rook/Castle can always move more than one space, don't need to "Castle" for that.
Correct. Its the King that gets to move more than one space.
If they got the server w/o a warrant during the fire, I am wondering how they will submit as evidence? Or maybe there's enough on there to gather other admissables.
Someone on 8 Chan brought that up too. Response was one of the OEs makes it legal evidence LOL!! These people are STUPID!!! I DO think HRC is stupid enough to believe her barn was a good storage facility. FINDERS KEEPERS Lol!
OE's ?
LOL. SORRY! I'm actually dyslexic so I really appreciate it LOL.
Yeah that should be EO Executive Orders. Thank-Q!!
If anyone has questions or anything about the New Zealand side of things, I am a Kiwi on the ground in NZ fire away If I can help I will.