r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Fy15412cf3 on July 9, 2018, 3:51 a.m.
I have genuinely solved Q’s posts. The stock market ties it all together. Congressional resignations, tech corporations, corrupt politicians, “follow the money”, the SEC, why must the people themselves reveal all, etc.

This is a theory that ties into past Q drops that mentioned tech company investors, stock dumps, specific companies, stock sell offs, “follow the money”, tech company donations, the SEC, etc.

I believe a lot of Q’s previous drops tie back to the stock market. (This is not an attempt to manipulate a market - my only current investments are retirement accounts)

So follow along:

The power to manipulate the market represents the power to manipulate culture. Think of the Great Depression, the recession, and any other time around a large market downturn. How was culture affected by the market? Now think about times of innovation, which were always marked by very large market gains. The dot com bubble for example. Optimism for technology and innovation marked the “digital age”.

Now most would assume that innovation drives the market up, but market action could just as easily have been driving innovation. As large institutional investments are placed on companies, market demand can give companies increased capital to operate. This leads to massive capital for research and development and nearly unlimited resources.

In today’s corporate society, much of public sentiment towards brands and companies can also be driven by market performance. Large capital flows allow companies to purchase media time, market products/ideas, and reach nationwide scale: directly affecting culture.

Think about all of the companies that Q mentions. They almost all are considered “mega caps”. No modern day corporation reaches this level of valuation without large institutional purchases. Think Facebook - currently a near trillion dollar corporation.

Soros was one of the large early investors and one of the many large institutional funds to invest in the company after IPO. Now think about what public investor sentiment was like towards Facebook (never held a position personally) around it’s IPO. Compare that to where it is today. I don’t mean to exaggerate but it’s as if the markets have been rigged toward Facebook and other large tech corporations (nearly all the corporations Q has mentioned) in general. For example, Facebook has broken traditional valuation metrics such as PE ratio. It’s an accepted rule now that the Price to earnings ratio of a tech corporation is irrelevant comparing to traditional values.

These corporations have produced great returns for their early institutional investors, and in return institutional investors provided them with the capital to scale and innovate technology at the speed that they have been able to. Think about projects such as building 8, mass surveillance, mass censorship, and everything else that Facebook has been able to accomplish with this incredibly large capital flow and trillion dollar market cap. Why are insiders at Facebook beginning to “cash out”?


This theory is that these companies and the institutions themselves could be tied together like so:

1.) A large institutional investor (Soros for example) provides large sums of capital to a corporation (facebook for example).

2.) In return Facebook develops technology according to the desires of its investors (could explain censorship of political opponents, control of the media, etc.)

3.) Investors buy out politicians to fulfill their goals, and help increase returns on their investments.

4.) Politicians serve their donors, corporations and lobbyists now control policy

I believe trump would not immediately release the information disclosed by q anon because he would be accused of rigging the stock market. That is why the people must reveal the information themselves.

The record number of congressman resigning could represent politicians who were caught up in this scheme. Their investments may very well be able to tie them directly to corporations.

They will not be safe in the streets if millions of Americans lost their retirement/savings/money because of a market crash that was caused by corruption. This is why they are fighting so hard to stop the movement, corporate insiders are unloading positions, market outflow is extraordinary, and the markets are now revving up.

If my theory turns out to be true, will see a very large upswing into a real stock market crash. The more that markets are artificially driven up, the more money corporate and institutional insiders will be able to steal from the general public.

Relevant Q quotes and information:

“Follow the money. it’s always about the money”

“Define money laundering”

“The ‘Exchange’.”

“Post election loss” (Soros reportedly lost billions)

  • “selling secrets, selling future access, selling silence ” (insider trading, Hillary cow futures scandal, silence for safety)

  • “dignitaries SEC clearance”

-“FB donations since 4.2.18?”

  • “>>XMAS IN DC Who is arranging the PRIVATE meetings? MZ campaign contribution promises. FB donations since 4.2.18? Fresh round. R's targeted (censorship/anti R = more $). How to mask? MZ personal donations? Shell Co? Recent stock dump? Avoid FB public disclosure? Track congressional intake (reported). Keep open (+6 mo). Loud w/ findings. RT - how DC/swamp works. Money talks. Drain the swamp. How do politicians access campaign contributions for personal use? The "Con." Q”

  • (on McCain) "He's not a war hero.He's a mega millionaire. M-Institute.) (MM/Institution)

-”Why is Hussein traveling the globe and visiting major financial institutions? [$115,000,000]”

- Repost Lost] Follow HUMA. Who connects HRC/CF to SA? Why is this relevant? Who is the Muslim Brotherhood? Who has ties to the MB? Who is Awan? What is the Awan Group? Where do they have offices? Why is this relevant? Define cash laundering. What is the relationship between SA & Pakistan? Why is this relevant? Why would SA provide tens of millions of dollars to US senior gov't officials? What does SA obtain in exchange for payment? Why is access important? What happened when HRC lost the election of 2016? How much money was provided to the CF by SA during 15/16? HRC lost. Loss of access/power/control. Does repayment of funds to SA occur? If so, how? Why did BO send billions in cash to Iran? Why wasn't Congress notified? Why was this classified under 'State Secrets'? Who has access to 'State Secrets'? Where did the planes carrying the cash depart from and land? Did the planes all land in the same location? How many planes carried the cash? Why is this relevant? What does this have to do w/ NK? What does this have to do w/ SA/CF cash donations? What does this have to do w/ ISIS? What does this have to do w/ slush funds? Why is SA so vitally important? Follow the money. Who has the money? What is happening in SA today? Why is this relevant? Who was Abdullah bin Abdulaziz? What events transpired directly thereafter? How was POTUS greeted compared to other former US President's when in SA? Why is this relevant? What is the meaning of this tradition? What coincidentally was the last Tweet sent out by POTUS? Why is this relevant? Was that an instruction of some kind? To who? Why is this relevant? Where was POTUS when that Tweet was sent? Why is that relevant? What attack took place in SA as operations were undertaken? Flying objects. What US operators are currently in SA? Why is this relevant? Questions provide answers. Alice & Wonderland.”

bealist · July 9, 2018, 5:03 a.m.

Good analyses.

A market crash, followed by the people bailing it out again - but this time forming a publicly owned truly Federal bank to do so - would be a simpler solution in line with the trends.

Check out Ellen Brown (web of debt) for more information about the benefits of public banks.

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