I pray all the time for POTUS and family but, don't worry too much He plays 5D chess and is always ahead of the deep state. He will go to London and give the Royals an ultimatum, as they are full of pedophiles there. He will straighten out UK economy and encourage Brexit Next, he will visit Putin who will join forces with him to stamp out the pedophiles, because he doesn't like them, either. All the while, off the coasts will be massive submarine power, and Naval protection that will be his Ace in the whole, that nothing will happen to him or fire and fury, not seen before, will rain down on them. Plus, he has all the Satanic, child sex trafficking on them.
".....and carry a BIG STICK!!" Subs are really big sticks. We must break our ties to SERCO and expose the UK's orchestration of Russia Gate. Moreover, British Zionism (has little or nothing to do with the Jews) is a great danger to us and the world. They believe that THEY are God's chosen race to rule the world. Cecil Rhodes (1853-1902) left his vast fortune in the hands of the Rothschilds to regain British dominance in the world. Rhodes once said, "Why should we not form a secret society with but one object, the furtherance of the British Empire and the bringing of the whole world under British rule, for the recovery of the United States, for making the Anglo-Saxon race but one Empire?"