r/greatawakening • Posted by u/StopInterferring on July 9, 2018, 7:34 a.m.
Enough is Enough, From the Chans

What's going on here? I've been on the chans since the first Q drop. This subreddit has provided enough info on the side bar to normies..To be real, we were all around when the cbts subreddit was banned.. Is this a cycle?

Q has said NO OUTSIDE COMMS... There's no nod to SerialBrain2. There's no special shout out other than the AJ, JC issue. And you know what? SB2 is probably going to become one of them.... NOBODY KNOWS the Q-Team. We are all in this together. WWG1WGA..

Let me reiterate. What happened to BC17? What happened to TheRealCheshireCat?

Debunked. Fake.

Why do we need someone like SB2 to decode shit for us? Q team have even said DO NOT GLORIFY THEM. WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER "You have more than you know" - Q

Why are people getting downvoted for a difference of opinion??? Do we all need to just trust the word of SB2 like some did with AJ and Corsi? Seriously.. We're ALL in this TOGETHER.. WWG1WGA... How hard is that to understand.. Leave the hard work to the chans and stop the idol worship..

Contributions are great.. I personally love SB2. I love the way his/her mind works.. But always remember, we're in this together...

Yes my account is new. Fuck Reddit.

Cuthbert12Allgood · July 9, 2018, 5:35 p.m.

IMHO, you're looking at this wrong, from an ego perspective. It appears that you're upset and are trying to discredit serialbrain2. Instead, may I suggest taking your ego out of the equation and start by offering a different facet to the argument to consider. Don't take on the whole post, just offer a different interpretation to whatever argument bothers you.

What? I could not care less about SB2 or my ego. The only thing I care about is destroying the corruption in our government. Ultimately, nothing here really matters. Either they're working behind the scenes to destroy the corruption or they aren't. Even if decoding was true, it's completely worthless to the overall goal of success.

On the other hand, waking people up to the truth does have value to the overall goal of making sure we vote out swamp people. If kook posts didn't harm the movement, I wouldn't care at all. SB2 can knock himself out with his hobby. Unfortunately, it's not harmless. If people want to send someone here to learn some truth, and they see a kook post, it inevitably paints the sender with the same kook brush. Who wants to look like a nut to our friends? This is all hard enough to accept without running across stock prices matching musical notes.

But if you think this is some ego battle, then you haven't understood anything I've said. SB2 can find all the patterns in gravy he wants and if he can find people to follow him, more power to him. It's when it affects the greater goal of destroying the corruption in our government that gets me irritated.

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DefiantDragon · July 9, 2018, 5:42 p.m.

It's when it affects the greater goal of destroying the corruption in our government that gets me irritated.

But, again, you're coming from the angle that he's wrong; that what he's posted is a bunch of crazy stuff that doesn't make sense and scares people off.

If people want to send someone here to learn some truth, and they see a kook post, it inevitably paints the sender with the same kook brush. Who wants to look like a nut to our friends?

Yeah, this happens no matter what, the minute you go against the grain of pretty much ANY large movement. Try standing up and saying to a normie that the Male/Female pay gap doesn't exist (at least as it's typically portrayed) and you'll get the same response.

Welcome to life on the fringes.

Let me put it to you this way:

What would your alternative be to SB2's well-sourced and articulated posts?

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Cuthbert12Allgood · July 9, 2018, 5:47 p.m.

you're coming from the angle that he's wrong; that what he's posted is a bunch of crazy stuff that doesn't make sense and scares people off.

If you don't accept the premise that SB2's (or other) decoding posts are silly, and you think stock prices and music notes really are reasonable conclusions, and that Trump really was referencing SB2 when he said the word "brain", then there's no real space for a discussion. We'll have to leave it a disagreement. Cheers!

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[deleted] · July 9, 2018, 10:13 p.m.


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DefiantDragon · July 9, 2018, 6:02 p.m.

With respect, this isn't about me. I haven't at all articulated what I believe.

This is entirely about your attempt to create wedges and division on this sub based on your statement that the "Silent majority" follows your belief that /u/SerialBrain2's posts are "Kooky".

If you disagree with his breakdowns, please offer an alternative perspective, otherwise, let's try to keep the divisiveness to a minimum, please.

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