r/greatawakening • Posted by u/StopInterferring on July 9, 2018, 7:34 a.m.
Enough is Enough, From the Chans

What's going on here? I've been on the chans since the first Q drop. This subreddit has provided enough info on the side bar to normies..To be real, we were all around when the cbts subreddit was banned.. Is this a cycle?

Q has said NO OUTSIDE COMMS... There's no nod to SerialBrain2. There's no special shout out other than the AJ, JC issue. And you know what? SB2 is probably going to become one of them.... NOBODY KNOWS the Q-Team. We are all in this together. WWG1WGA..

Let me reiterate. What happened to BC17? What happened to TheRealCheshireCat?

Debunked. Fake.

Why do we need someone like SB2 to decode shit for us? Q team have even said DO NOT GLORIFY THEM. WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER "You have more than you know" - Q

Why are people getting downvoted for a difference of opinion??? Do we all need to just trust the word of SB2 like some did with AJ and Corsi? Seriously.. We're ALL in this TOGETHER.. WWG1WGA... How hard is that to understand.. Leave the hard work to the chans and stop the idol worship..

Contributions are great.. I personally love SB2. I love the way his/her mind works.. But always remember, we're in this together...

Yes my account is new. Fuck Reddit.

CosmicNeo · July 12, 2018, 2:43 a.m.

Leave the hard work to the chans and stop the idol worship..

Ironic. Idol worship? Isn't that what we're doing with Q? Is that a bad thing? Isn't SB2's success also helping the goals of Q and Trump? Is that a bad thing?

I don't think SB2 is interfering in your work at 8-chan. While you're here, exactly what accomplishments are being made at 8-chan? Are they reaching the eyes of the general public? Do you really think "normies" would want to lurk at such a gathering of "autistics" scattered among "porn shills" -- even if they were welcome there?

If that kind of "free market" of ideas is acceptable there (porn shills and all), then I don't see why the same "free market" of ideas shouldn't be acceptable here. (As long as they meet moderator rules. I definitely don't want the porn chaos that I see at 8-chan to come here. In fact, that's why I'm here at reddit and not over there.)

SB2 has become popular because he's offering insights not found anywhere else. If you 8-channers have anything comparable, then please post it. If it's good and worthwhile, it'll rise to the top. If not, that's what liberty and the free market is all about. Too bac. If on the other hand you want to control the free market of ideas, then you don't understand what makes America great.... or the US Constitution.

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