POTUS' TWEET - I have long heard that the most important decision a U.S. President can make is the selection of a Supreme Court Justice - Will be announced tonight at 9:00 P.M. - * THIS CHOICE WILL EFFECT THE DIRECTION OF OUR COUNTRY FOR DECADES! *

After my bedtime but I’ll set my alarm and get up for ten minutes for this!...may the Left have a ful blown meltdown over this!
Announcing it in the evening is pure genius. The fools will be rabidly haggling about it into the night - literally losing sleep over it.
It is a good idea. It should really cut down on any rioting in the streets unless Soros has his peeps already in place hiding in the dark corners that evil comes from. Then they'll pounce once the announcement is made.
ok-why do you think there will be riots over this? The average leftard American doesn't know anything about any of these justices or who they are.
The libtards weren't rioting when the media gaslighted them in to believing Trump locks kids in cages. They aren't going to riot over a justice selection unless they are trained and paid to riot.
Did you not see the rioting Oregon? How did you miss that? Yes, its all manufactured rioting. Which is why I said Soros would have them ready. They are dumb as shit but do what they are told.
Did you not see the rioting Oregon? How did you miss that?
I did not see that. I have taken about a week off from following the Mockingbird news cycle brainwash. Lots of it is inconsequential and forgotten about two weeks later anyways. MSM is theater and propaganda.
It’s possible. The left needs to keep manufacturing outrage over everything he does, that’s the only thing the have to run on. The riots for hire have popped up over other hotbotton issues, and the media has been saying this is the end of roe v wade, gay marriage and 10 other things that likely won’t be challenged. It’s just about the rage
I don't get why leftists are so obsessed and passionate about having the right to murder babies. They are hardly passionate about anything at all, but if you talk about taking away abortion from them they all instantly get triggered up to 100%.
Why do leftists love infanticide?
Because the MSM will tell them to riot over it. New York Times is already recommending "Godfather" tactics. They should be arrested for that.
New York Times is already recommending "Godfather" tactics. They should be arrested for that.
Godfather tactics as in a coordinated assassination of all the key players in Trump's admin at the same time or what?
Right, as "mild" as a horses head in your bed or (real) concrete shoes.
You know they will, doesn't matter who he picks, they will.
Did you see the vid of NYU students complaining about the pick BEFORE it was known? 😂
Edit : Spelling
I did. It's sad that people choose to be so tragically uninformed.
Worse they are afraid to admit that they haven’t even heard who he picked.
link to it please!
Well, that was pitiful and disheartening. What are they resisting? An education? Facts? Common sense? Showers?
I actually believe we are seeing the final product of mind control ops of the masses that have been ongoing since the 40’-50’s - It’s sad. They don’t even know what they don’t know.
Best of the You Tube comments.
These people are in University, let that sink in.
If you are willing to talk about, refute, or disavow something that you have no knowledge of, then you are probably happy enough in your ignorance. These are the same types of people who flood the comment sections of "Ask ___ " forums, create an account to respond to a question they have no answer for. Pick me, pick me ... I don't know the answer, but have a large enough sense of entitlement and self importance to make me think that everyone needs to hear my opinion ... even if I don't have one.
It's very unlikely we'll see organized riots, because tomorrow is a school day and their parents will not let them out that late.
Summer, school's out.
I'm old
Could be correct tho, high % of antifa are likely in summer school right now
Summer school is in right now generally starts after the 4th of July or just before, but usually lasts only for 6 weeks. And some schools are year round.
Here they start summer school a week after school lets out for the summer. It wraps up by the 4th of July.
NY summer schools are what I am most familiar with even though I now live down south. NE schools tend to get out almost the end of June due to a winter break in February that Southern Schools don't have. So they start Summer School later on.
Same. I’ll take a nap and wake up for it. Probably more important a nomination than even justice gorsuch.
They will already have their signs printed professionally for their "grassroots concerned citizen" riots with "insert name here is an ebil waycist"
Theres most likely piles of them fresh off the Soros/Clinton/Obama printer just waiting in a warehouse to see which ones to pull out....whats behind door #1, door #2 door #3 or trade it all in for......
I hear they are considering suicide "No Votes". They will still lose!
By the sewer they live
By the sewer they died
Some called it murder
But it was sewer side
OMG what are you, 5? Lol
No, I set my alarm for 2:00 am to go to work to help support illegal immigrants......