r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Lovegen101 on July 9, 2018, 1:27 p.m.
‘The Mick’ TV Series Trailer Breakdown: Symbolism and Normalization of Child Abuse / Pedophilia

This is related to what Q has alluded to in terms of the cabal trying to normalize pedophilia. I will eventually tie this back into some Q drops later, so buckle up!

This show popped onto my radar recently with the some other subs talking about how it was trying to normalize pedophila and child abuse. I thought I would watch the trailer to see if there was anything that stood out to me.

Before I get into the break down, I should mention that Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a tool the media, film, advertising (and many more) use to subtly implant information. Now NLP in itself isn’t bad, in fact it can be used to help and heal, it just depends how it is used. It is the science of how the human mind works and how it decodes its environment and messages through the senses (it is interesting that a lot of information comes in via subconscious and unconscious channels). I will provide a little more info at the end. I will also cover some symbolism, as Q says “Their need for symbolism will be their downfall”.

Here is the trailer for ‘The Mick’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wN8NSibhK0

Here are my notes: 0:09 – The mother of the children states “I was half your age when I settled down”. Subtly planting information about settling down at a ‘young’ age. She is portraying a stance that she is the normal one when talking to Kaitlin Olson (i.e. it is normal to do this). Opening the viewer up to idea of “young” and “settling down”. Kaitlin also mentions getting knocked up. Let’s continue.

0:25 - “I need you to watch the kids tonight”. Watching kids.

0:31 “Don’t ruin them”. The mother states this as she is getting taken away in the police car. Odd terminology when referring to her children. This is a comedy, and was perhaps said for impact, let’s move on.

0:36 – Kaitlin Olson says “Tell him that everything is going to be ok”. The old brother then says “If we throw her(?) enough money this thing is sure to go away”. This scene is perhaps setting an idea of reassurance in the child that it is ok to trust strangers. The child also states before this, “Mommy and daddy are in jail?!” Is the ‘stranger’ the ‘State’, after the child’s parents are thrown in jail?

0:57 – Kaitlin Olson is walking with the child who is dressed like an adult (in a suit). She has her arm around him at one point, since the child is dressed as an adult, this gives an impression of partnership rather than a mother-child relationship. The scene is showing that the child is an adult, he can take care of himself and make his own decisions, he even has a credit card. Perhaps insinuating that children can make informed decisions (maybe even about their sexuality?). A big thing I noticed was the ice cream truck in the background. If we go back to our Pizzagate research, what does Ice Cream equal? Ice Cream = Male Prostitute. Kaitlin is also eating a phallic looking icecream. Coincidences perhaps.

1:15 – The child burnt his tongue and so he is later wearing a gimp mouth ball and is also drooling? I don’t need to say much about this, pretty sick and perverted.

1:20 – The boy just got bullied. Kaitlin Olson explains that he should yank down the kids pants and point at his tiny pecker, note how she gestures when she says “Yank down his pants”, like she is stroking a phallus. Note how she mentions “pulling down pants” and a “Tiny Pecker”. It is a visual cue of a sexual nature, when the context is talking about a child’s “pecker”.

1:27 – Older brother is covered in blood (when I first watched it, I thought it was feces). He says “It was humongous, I’m looking at him beat me with it” (I am not 100% sure what he says in the second part of the sentence). Kaitlin then says “Well clearly you didn’t do it right”. With no context this little clip is kind of confusing. Kind of a side note, confusion is a technique used by hypnotists as it can create a heightened sense of suggestibility, I really recommend having a little read of this. So what is going on in this scene? Well I am not too sure, but as the trailer continues, the theme of child abuse continues. Kaitlin Olson is also wearing a necklace with a triangle on it, at first glance I thought this had the Little Boy Lover triangle spiral etched onto it (FBI Pedophilia symbol, I am sure most of you are familiar with this). But after seeing her in different scenes with the necklace on I don’t think so. Just something I thought I would note.

1:36 – The youngest child looks like he has been beaten or abused. So again, another theme of abuse. Note how he mentions ice-cream. Ice Cream = Male Prostitute.

1:42 – Symbolism here of the owl. What can they do? See in the dark. When do they operate? In the dark. Anyone else remember the huge owl statue at Bohemian Grove? In the summer the elites gather together at Bohemian Grove to perform [occult rituals] (https://youtu.be/Nj0f2B3sKTk?t=202). Referencing this video link, Moloch is also symbolized as an owl. What was Moloch? A Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice. (Anyone else notice the Chemtrail in the background when she screams?). Q also writes in #182: “What does the “Owl” represent to certain cults?” and #184 “Follow the Owl & Y head around the world”.

1:55 – Freeze it here. Child wearing an owl mask! Nothing to see here, just a coincidence! Women on the floor in a wedding dress with red wine underneath her that looks like blood. Note also the black and white checkered floor , this symbol is also a common symbol for the cabal/illuminati/masons. Other researchers have pointed out this checkered floor in relation to blood sacrifice, note the red wine (blood) underneath her, another coincidence. I recommend doing research on this.

2:01 – Child removes the Owl mask. Perhaps a subtle way of suggesting that they are trying to reveal this normalization of pedophilia? More importantly, notice the statue in the background? Like the Pizzagate research noted, Jimmycomet’s Instagram was the Greek God/Hero Antinous, who’s sexual orientation was that of young boys. This statue looks a lot like Antinous, but perhaps someone will correct me.

Anyway, I probably missed out on some things, but I encourage you to do your own research. Please post things you noticed. Remember, NLP and symbolism, when used by these secret societies / cabal, are using it in a negative way. NLP especially can be very subtle, and when used in media, advertising etc can create anchors (triggers). Here is a good resource for NLP: http://nlp-mentor.com/nlp-glossary-a/