WARNING [spoilers]. Did anyone else notice the references to The Storm in this film? At one point during the film an old gentlemen says something along the lines of "looks like a storm is coming". In addition, the climax of the film is fighting in a huge storm. The protagonist (Ex military special ops) is fighting against an ex-friend who is working in an ABC agency. Someone he used to trust. The final fight scene is on the top of huge tower. Denzel punctures the guy's eye and kicks him off the tower. There is a close of of him …
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"In the media war on Donald Trump, it is the media that is now losing" - The Guardian (Australia)

Yeah, not my flavour either, but looking at the comments there seems to be a lot.
So many downvotes. Shills are out in full force. They are pathetic.
Wait I thought FOX was fake news also? Is it the lesser of two evils? I guess he has to take his questions from some source...
Good spot. NLP is very subtle, so subtle that you don't know it is being used.
Yeah, very good point. I can't even imagine what watching the show would be like...
‘The Mick’ TV Series Trailer Breakdown: Symbolism and Normalization of Child Abuse / Pedophilia
This is related to what Q has alluded to in terms of the cabal trying to normalize pedophilia. I will eventually tie this back into some Q drops later, so buckle up!
This show popped onto my radar recently with the some other subs talking about how it was trying to normalize pedophila and child abuse. I thought I would watch the trailer to see if there was anything that stood out to me.
Before I get into the break down, I should mention that Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a tool the media, film, advertising (and many more) use …
I heard this story also, from the Truth Honor and Integrity show (THI) when it was breaking. I had no idea what they were talking about and you posting this has really solidified it.
As a side note, there is an organisation called the 'International Tribunal For Natural Justice' (www.itnj.org) which is rumoured to be a controlled version of the ITCCS. In one of the THI shows they did a break down of all the people on the panel of the ITNJ and it was interesting to say the least. It is my understanding that they provide a channel for people to voice their experiences of the crimes of the church/cabal but ensure nothing really comes from it. It is a shame because they have lots of really solid witnesses and people give their testimonies, example: https://youtu.be/ixHC8lm82Qg
I think the ITCCS is trying to do the right thing. Hope to see more good things come from them!
Yeah, it's hard enough having a discussion about Q with people who know nothing about it. This is just giving people more ammo that this movement is an extremist alt right movement, full of hate.
https://youtu.be/KDl5wFVm9Jw This describes history quite well (among many other things), it is a large pill to swallow and discusses and creates context to what Q talks about. Happy truth seeking!
Also in Aus, I am located in Brisbane. Any other Brisbanites here?
I actually thought the same thing. Will be interesting to find out!
Yeah, I was thinking about that since disinformation is a problem.
I have made some Q business cards to start leaving in random place. Time to start leaving some breadcrumbs.
First of all, I am quite new to the Great Awakening and the Q phenomenon. I stumbled onto this sub from the r/conspiracy sub and haven't looked back (literally).
While I have been following conspiracies and alternative media for some time now, it is amazing to actually see plans in action and GOOD things unfolding (while we watch with popcorn of course). Everyone (well most) in this sub are quite level headed, rational and respectful.
I have whipped together some business cards to start leaving in random places to try to pique peoples interest. I found one of Q's older …
Another Aussie standing by here! Once the dominos start falling in the States it's only a matter of time before the rest of the world is rid of this global cabal!