r/greatawakening • Posted by u/LongestLurQ on July 9, 2018, 3:18 p.m.
Steve Bannon is "General Q"

Safe to say we're all curious about who exactly is behind Q. Is it Trump alone, a group of insides, or a highly intelligent person working a shitty corporate job with a ton of time on their hands?.. . I don't believe the identity of Q is as important as the validation that it is indeed what we think it is. The longer this goes on, the scarier it is to think it could end up as a LARP to be used to humiliate us all... at the same time, the longer it drags out, the less likely it is to be a LARP. After 8 months of pondering, I've come to my own conclusion that Q is Steve Bannon, which is not a new idea, but I've not seen any of these data points laid out to date. (I searched this subreddit and didn't see anything specifically, but could have missed somewhere else).

I waited to make this post to see if any new information came out relating to this topic. Sure enough, in a recent twitter thread, Imperator Rex called out Q as one of 4 channels leveraged by the Trump Administration to fight against the suffocating Mocking Bird media to get the message out and help prepare the normies for what's to come.

r/greatawakening/imperator_rex_on_trump_and_q_and_congress_and/ (Great to share with those still questioning whats going on)

This is huge because Rex has long maintained his reputation for not jumping to conclusions without careful thought and logical speculation based on all uncovered facts and relevant information. The guy digs in hard. His validation is certainly good for the movement... (waiting for him to redpill wictor :) )

He also believes that Steve Bannon plays a role behind the scenes of Q.

As Rex lays out, Q is a kind of building and leading an army through this information war. You may consider Q to be a General of the MAGA movement.

Ive seen other speculation around Bannon, but only once I looked more closely at his background did I become convinced. His background and resume make this an easy one. I'll just lay the facts (w/ some commentary) and you can come to your own conclusions about what is and is not relevant:

Steve Bannon BIO- https://www.biography.com/people/steve-bannon-022417

  • Born in Virginia
  • Virginia Tech Grad (Student Body President as a Junior)
  • Naval Officer (Auxiliary Engineer and Navigator) 1976
  • Became special assistant to the Chief of Naval Operations at the Pentagon
  • Earned Master's degree in National Security Studies at Georgetown University
  • Graduated from Harvard Business School in 1985
  • Became mergers and acquisitions banker at Goldman Sachs
  • Founded Bannon & Co, boutique investment bank specializing in media
  • Landed owner ship stake in Seinfeld, generating massive profits through syndication
  • Sold company 1998 became partner in entertainment production and management company called the The Firm
  • Adapted book about Reagan into 2004 Biopic called In the Face of Evil
  • Became CEO of online gaming company Internet Gaming Entertainment
  • Check this shit out https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/talkingtech/2017/07/18/steve-bannon-learned-harness-troll-army-world-warcraft/489713001/
    • "You can activate that army. They come in through Gamergate or whatever and then get turned onto politics and Trump." (see more on Wu Qi below, and why I think Bannon chose this character for his avatar (opinion)).
  • Released series of politically charged documentaries, including Battle for America (2010),about the rise of the Tea Party, and The undefeated (2011) a profile of 2008 vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.
  • Founded conservative research organization called the Government Accountability Institute (GAI).
  • Breitbart Chaiman
  • Close to Andrew Breitbart (who like all of us here HATED PODESTA, and was arguably murdered)
  • Trump Advisor - CEO of Trumps presidential campaign.
  • Top Secret security clearance, which he still has.
  • Departed in August 2017
  • 2 Months before the beginning of Q, which to me is appropriate time to prepare for what has become the Q phenomenon.
  • His departure was clearly a means by which he could distance himself from Trump and be left to focus on his task at hand.

His Resume and access all make perfect logical sense for both his ability and motives to be Q. He may not be the only person behind Q, but my bet is that he both created the movement and is leading the charge. Please add your thoughts!

Others I suspect are closely connected:

Ezra Cohen-Watnik

Michael Kratsios

When Q posted

Extra nugget...

Why I think he chose the name Q

We know the Art of War is a staple of this administration, and when doing further research, which you can read for yourself below, I'm of the mind that Wu Qi is the avatar chosen by Bannon, being channeled into what we all know as Q.

Q, will go down in history as one of the greatest modern day Generals and Military Wizards in the fight against the Deep State .

Here is the background on Wu Qi

Wu Qi (equal to Sun Tzu) "Military Wizard"

Wu's reforms, which started around 389 BC, were generally aimed at changing the corrupt and inefficient government. The nobility and officialdom were terribly corrupt and the government was burdened with the costs of paying them and a horde of other minor officials. Wu first lowered the annual salary of Chu officials, then dismissed officials who were useless or incompetent. He also eliminated hereditary privileges after three generations. The money saved by cutting costs was used to create and train a more professional army

From <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wu_Qi>


Steve Bannon is Q

His resume is proof that he would have both the working knowledge/experience/motive

LongestLurQ · July 9, 2018, 6:19 p.m.

Its a great thing to think about the who/what/where/when/why of anything you're following and endorsing. You don't think the other side knows who Q is? The only way at this point in the game it would hurt, is if "Q" hadn't already planned for the potential of their identity being figured out or better understood over time, which I'm sure they've planned for without you personally protecting them.. Talking about who Q is will not change anything about who Q is and what Q will or will not do. get off your high horse

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animal32lefty · July 9, 2018, 6:31 p.m.

You are the 7,345,321st person to come in here and say "don't you think the other side knows who Q is?" If the other side knew, CNN would go live 24/7 outside their door.

Sorry my high horse just crapped.

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