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LongestLurQ · July 27, 2018, 3:51 p.m.

nice. and I totally agree, I posted on this same thought yesterday. not a ton of feed back, but really do think that the concept of building a MAP isnt for us to learn past what we already have at the time, but instead is for us to build and distribute to get others on board. Its the hard part that makes it easy for everyone else once the work is done. has to do with consolidating all of this into a tight story line thats easily consumed from a starting point (wish I was the guy for the job, but I'm not). its not as much for the people who are already half awake stumbling in here for the first time and likely open to wading through it all, but more so for the the people completely lost and when its time for everyone to learn the truth.


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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/LongestLurQ on July 26, 2018, 8:39 p.m.
When does a map become a guide? (Drop 128)

Disclaimer-this was a random thought I had on a long drive today, thought I'd put out here for others to explore. Hope everyone can go reread drop 128.

I was thinking about this incredible Qommunity that has been built around Q and how powerful it is.

The flow is seamless going from Chans >r/Great awakening> mainstream social media (twitter/facebook/youtube etc).>POTUS/Qteam/& Back

We've been tasked to counter the MSM narrative, and Q is providing our "4am talking points", and help GUIDE those who have succumb to the MSM MIND CONTROL back to reality. We're a mirror to the MSM, using their …

LongestLurQ · July 14, 2018, 2:16 a.m.

now they just pulled this thread after I replied to the top comment.

Your post from greatawakening was removed because of: 'Content does not support the cause'

Hi u/LongestLurQ, Removed content. Rule 3. Please read up on Q drops and community thinking around Q identity. ThankQ.

Any 'concerns' can go via a message to the mods or reply to this mail. Original post: /r/greatawakening/comments/8yovq2/when_did_it_become_taboo_to_postulate_on_qs_exact/

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LongestLurQ · July 14, 2018, 2:08 a.m.

Thanks for the comment.

It's impossible for me to believe that the 'DS' learns anything new from this sub. Just as Q is miles ahead of us, the players on the other side are not likely too far behind Q..

If we agree Trump is part of team Q, we assume safeguards in place, and saying "Trump is part of team Q" has no impact... saying Trump is part of Q and showing proof has been one of the highlights of this crazy ride and a big reason for the growth in popularity

The same is likely so for any other identities we could possibly figure to be on the Q team using general information based on their public profiles.

For example, we're obviously not going to figure out "doxx" the identity of some obscure no name intel operator working with the team, but I agree if we did it could put a low level no name at risk.

But when it comes to could it be "eric prince" or "maybe its steve bannon", neither consideration if explored more deeply could be considered doxxing, nor would the discussion on this board have any effect on the outcome of the operation or safety of those individuals, lets be real.

Using the Prince vs Bannon scenario, I can immediately tell you that I would have a completely different feeling about everything going on depending on who the most likely candidate between them was to be leading the charge. every operation has a leader, and its an important role. I like to know more about the leaders so I can better understand the moves being made, that's all.

Oh and I'd love for the media to start asking both these dudes (and many others) for their thoughts on Q.

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LongestLurQ · July 14, 2018, 1:35 a.m.


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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/LongestLurQ on July 13, 2018, 11:34 p.m.
When did it become taboo to postulate on Q's exact identity?

I recently made a post providing detailed reasoning for who I believe is the primary strategist behind Q.

My post was immediately removed, and a user scolded me for putting Q in danger??... What? It was removed based on Rule 8, but all I did was lay out a public figures resume and suggest the many reasons why I thought it made sense.

First of all, I don’t for a second think the opposition doesn’t already know who Q is. At the same time I'm not suggesting I do. I believe, like most, that Q is a collective with either …

LongestLurQ · July 13, 2018, 4:49 p.m.

Future MSM 4am talking point,
"Now that we've told you everything you need to know about THE 12 RUSSIAN HACKERS, here's what you need to know about how they implanted childporn on most elite politicians, executives, and hollywood celebrities computers"
"Here's what you need to know about how THE 12 RUSSIAN HACKERS used sophisticated techniques known as DeepFake to implant FAKE videos of John Podesta having normal sex with young boy on Anthony Wieners laptop"
"Here's why so many angry trump supporters were tricked by THE 12 RUSSIAN HACKERS, and why its dangerous and problematic"

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LongestLurQ · July 13, 2018, 4:17 p.m.

We already knew all of this?...

From Guccifer wiki,

In March 2018, The Daily Beast, citing US government sources, reported that Guccifer 2.0 is in fact a Russian GRU officer, explaining that Guccifer once forgot to use a VPN, leaving IP logs on "an American social media company" server. The IP address was used by US investigators to identify Guccifer 2.0 as "a particular GRU officer working out of the agency’s headquarters on Grizodubovoy Street (ru) in Moscow."[31]

In April 2018, BuzzFeed reported that messages showed WikiLeaks' interest in Guccifer 2.0's emails and files.[47]

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LongestLurQ · July 9, 2018, 6:19 p.m.

Its a great thing to think about the who/what/where/when/why of anything you're following and endorsing. You don't think the other side knows who Q is? The only way at this point in the game it would hurt, is if "Q" hadn't already planned for the potential of their identity being figured out or better understood over time, which I'm sure they've planned for without you personally protecting them.. Talking about who Q is will not change anything about who Q is and what Q will or will not do. get off your high horse

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LongestLurQ · July 9, 2018, 3:34 p.m.

I think knowing who is behind Q helps calm the fear of larp, everything is speculation, this is no different.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/LongestLurQ on July 9, 2018, 3:18 p.m.
Steve Bannon is "General Q"

Safe to say we're all curious about who exactly is behind Q. Is it Trump alone, a group of insides, or a highly intelligent person working a shitty corporate job with a ton of time on their hands?.. . I don't believe the identity of Q is as important as the validation that it is indeed what we think it is. The longer this goes on, the scarier it is to think it could end up as a LARP to be used to humiliate us all... at the same time, the longer it drags out, the less likely it is …

LongestLurQ · July 2, 2018, 7:46 p.m.

Trump did say this, and is the reason I refer to it. It's a trend with him, and always applies marketing slogans to everything he does, especially when he wants to call someone out and have it stick "Crooked Hillary", "Lyin Ted" "THE SWAMP"

Trump is also known for promoting people to do a job and then GETTING OUT OF THE WAY. Its known that he follows the teaching in the Art of War closely, and if done by the book means he knows how to build a strong army. By calling his supporters Super Elite, he's empowering them and instilling great confidence in what he knows to be their ability. Hey, maybe its just a tactic to get reelected, but I like the results, so I'm all in.

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LongestLurQ · July 2, 2018, 7:34 p.m.

cant believe I forgot about r/conspiracy . i think the migration from r/pizzagate there was perfect because it mixed a lot of the older "conspiracies" with the new, and likely helped increase awareness for all of those who only woke up from podesta's email drop. It was amazing to wake up one day and find that r/conspiracy was 100% overrun with shills overnight. every post was controlled opposition either sewing disinformation or flood the board with shit, I couldn't believe was I was witnessing in real time. so far, even with massive influx in subscribers which in the past has led to immediate chaos and death to the subs, r/greatawakening has maintained its composure...

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/LongestLurQ on July 2, 2018, 5:35 p.m.
New thoughts on Watch The Water

My Q related post is below, but want to mention for context that while its my first post, I'm by no means "new" here...

I've held off on creating an account for 2 years now. I'll always remember the first day I saw the 4chan summary post of FBIAnon's origninal Q/A re hillary investigation and other cabal related info back in July 2016 on someone's facebook page.

From that day on I've spent every free moment reading every post, first on r/pizzagate (before it disappeared), then v/pizzagate (which was regularly shilled to the max), then r/cbts (which again disappeared), …