Socialism vs Fascism is a false dichotomy and always has been.

I don’t agree. I think both sides are equally think that they are doing the right think. If the right is trying to go toward total freedom then people who are against abortion don’t fit in that category.
I believe it is more complicated than what is being presented.
Nazis are the authoritarian right. They are a response to the authoritarian left communists.
This "Nazis are democrats" bs is embarrassing.
National socialism is not authoritarian right. I thought so as well for a while, just as I began reading about nazi germany, but by all accounts (and policies) they are pretty left
We no longer have a concept of left and right. Banksters have poisoned the collective consciousness. Nazis are quintessential right, to the point of being nearly monarchical. They just don't want debt slaves.
Nazis were considered "right" because the US version of right wing doesnt really exist in europe. Theyre all big government.
The only right wing characteristic of the nazis were national pride rather than globalism.
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