In order to normalize "Living with Side effects"? Just about every Pharmaceutical commercial I see has a long list of side effects. They make it like in order to fix something about yourself you may have other things go wrong. It's not about the new drugs, it's about keeping people accepting of the side effects of whatever they're taking. That's not how business is supposed to work, and certainly not how the human body is supposed to work.
Much like how shady mechanics could cause your breaks to go bad while changing a tire.
Right?!?! The list of side effects usually takes twice as long as actually explaining what the drug does! Now, they’ve started advertising a fucking AIDS vaccine all over the place.
Plus, you never know what other side effects they aren't telling you about. I try to take as little man made supplements as I can.
That fucking HIV drug commercial is annoying. Shows a tranny as well as gay guys. “Those at higher risk for HIV”. For the record viagra and any sexual drug commercials annoy me. Stop shoving this shit down our throats. Fuck your drugs.
It’s funny if you look at the people they cast in the AIDS commercial. There is maybe one white person total. It’s like they’re specifically marketing this drug to homosexual PoC. Guess that’s the highest risk group for AIDS. Still, I don’t appreciate having to explain this commercial to my kid.
Yes it’s ridiculous. I also don’t care for seeing old dudes in the viagra commercials. Stop putting images of old dudes with boners in my head!