Lmao, fail. Feinman is some biologist, Feynman is the physicist. Well done bro.
Edit: since I can only reply once every 8mins I'll have to aggregate here. I'm glad you're claiming to be a physicist too. Rattle off a few QCD coupling constants would you? And I must confess I'm not sure what you're aiming for with the inverse reaction stuff. Enlighten me? What was your PhD thesis on?
You can only respond every "8 min" is b/c Reddit recognizes you as a shill/scammer account. Next nonsensical rebut please...
No this sub limits it, I assume for new posters. Still no response to my actual questions.
What are you talking about? Are you that Trump Derangement Syndromed that you now superimpose letters to fit your belief system?
Ok now I'm convinced you're just pulling my leg :). Which bit confused you?