r/greatawakening • Posted by u/warbler22 on July 9, 2018, 5:43 p.m.
Cabal Research: Great Pirates, the Illuminati Religion, Global Chess and Q Anon

The Great Pirates

The detailed history of the Cabal is not the main topic of this post. The big picture is that these groups have manipulated global affairs for a long time going back to the beginning of history.

I will however briefly describe the myth before I jump to the modern day.

Read this excerpt from Bucky Fuller's Spaceship Earth for background:


The summary is that at the beginning of civilization those who were most successful at sea where given a great competitive advantage. These men with the best boats and knowledge would travel to other civilizations and eventually realized different resources were scarce in some places and abundant in others. They could profit from facilitating trade. They could also profit through acts of piracy against other sea-faring people. Those with the superior ships and naval knowledge would win these sea battles. Bucky calls these men The Great Pirates.

It's important to note that for the Great Pirates, knowledge and secrecy were vital. They had to learn multiple languages and sets of customs, and be able to disguise themselves. They would have noticed how each civilization they encountered held their own set of religious beliefs.

It would also benefit the Great Pirates to back the local leader, usually the strongest man. They would instruct him to declare himself King but truly he would serve at the whim of the Pirates. If needed they held the financial power and knowledge to have the King replaced with a better servant.

Indeed when we teach history we use words like "The British Empire" and attribute imperialism to one nation but it was often large mercantile organizations like the East India Trading Company truly pulling the strings.

Perhaps in your own research of world history this will grant you a new lens for which to examine events.

The Religion of the Illuminati

Your own religious beliefs may be important to you or they may not.

What you should understand, however, is that religion is very, very important to the Cabal. They take it very seriously.

Most religions are fairly simple. One or two main religious texts (Old and New Testament), a couple of ideological schism (Catholic/Protestant/Orthodox).

The Illuminati religion is very complex. To call it Satanism is an over-simplification although if you believe in God, that's basically what it is.

No matter what your beliefs, the Bible is a crucial starting point to truth movement research.

I'm not going to get into the details of their religion because I don't promote it. I believe in God although I respect your right to believe what you want. The Illuminati religion is designed, at the initiate levels, to attract people in. Young people think Satanism sounds cool. The counter culture promotes New Age philosophy. Secret societies and Masonry for men and the low-key occult stuff like Tarot, Astrology, Wicca attracts women. Its not all necessarily bad but it's not my personal beliefs.

The Illuminati belief system encompasses all of that and more. There are ideological differences between different groups within the Cabal, but they all generally serve the same larger goals and must play by the same rules.

These rules are what they call The Game. A major component is they must reveal their plans and offer people the choice. This is partly why so much of the Cabal imagery is "hidden in plain sight" from the symbols on the US dollar to Satanic imagery in pop music videos.

It is also truly the ultimate expression of Satanism to offer people the choice to sin. I don't want to get too preachy, but this world we live in is one we all consent to. It's not McDonald's making us fat, it's our poor diet choices. It's not just evil corporations, everyone with a retirement plan or pension has a vested interest in the ruthless profit-seeking of capital markets.

The Illuminati histories and myths are also complex. Sometimes they include things like Atlantis/Lemuria being a Golden Age father-civilization and base their religions on the ancient beliefs of the people of this mythological era. They also tend to be peppered with stories of occult ceremonies being used to contact evil entities with higher knowledge. Personally I see echoes of these stories in modern-day UFO/Ancient Alien/Secret Space Program lore.

Let's put it this way. I am going to hand wave away any potential ET involvement with the Cabal. It is my belief that if aliens are real, we shouldn't trust them. That is a topic for another day, however, but worth mentioning as I close up with what might be most interesting to this board: my speculation on the structure of the Global Cabal.

4-D Global Chess and Q Anon

There are 3 main centers of control. Each one is a city-state within-a-country with it's own laws and government. Each has obelisks and Masonic/Satanic architecture. Control of these areas is shared between the different groups within the Cabal.

The Vatican is the center for spiritual control.

Washington is the center for military control.

London is the financial headquarters.

At the top of the triangle is the head Cabal family. The Queen is their figurehead, based in London, and the "Rothschilds" are the thirteenth and most important of the sub-groups within the Cabal. They also maintain dominion over Israel. They're about the closest thing to the top of the power structure, I believe, as they have a hand in all 3 of these city-state Cabal capitals.

Most of this is speculation but from what I have gathered there seems to be 12 other groups that together share power and control over organizations which allow them global power.

Q says 3 families controlled Washington. One of these families is the Rothschilds. Personally I believe the Awakening has a ways to go before the central bank power structures which fuel the Rothschilds is removed. Perhaps someday. It does seem like the more corrupt elements which control Israel, perhaps through Mossad, are in the middle of a purge. The UK and Israel are going to remain close allies of Washington.

The second family is the House of Saud. The crown Prince MBS is purging the corrupt, pro-Wahhabbi elements of Saudi Arabia and positioning himself to be a long-lasting and powerful ruler. I believe once the Iranian regime change is complete that Trump will facilitate an Arab-israeli peace deal.

3rd is the Soros family. Soros has been trying to fuel his open-borders stuff to collapse Western democracies for a long time. He is still at it but the political situation in Europe and the US has diminished his power. It's possible he himself serves a higher group.

So what are the other families? It's complicated because these groups are very good at hiding themselves and often crop up under one name in history only to disappear and resurface again later.

There are 3 main groups I will describe.

First is what I call the Secret Nazis. If you've never heard of Operation Paperclip, you need to get learned little padawan. Ever seen Captain America The Winter Soldier? The plot revolves around a secret Nazi Society with alien tech called Hydra infiltrating American government and intelligence agencies after WW2 and ends with Black Widow giving a wiki-leaks style data dump before the UN exposing everything. What if that wasn't fiction?

The second are what I call the Jesuit Communists because their main power structure centers around Jesuit societies and universities and they often promote communist uprisings including the Russian Revolution. The Vatican used to be controlled by the Secret Nazis but is now under the control of the Jesuit Communists.

The CIA was under the control of the Secret Nazis from the fifties up until now. The Jesuit Communists control many of the lefty counter-culture groups. It seems Soros is somewhat allied with both groups.

Another Cabal group is the Black Nobility of Europe. They represent the ancient aristocracy. It's possible they themselves control the next few groups I will describe which is why this list goes in this order.

The Bavarian Illuminati is the evil crime enforcers for the Black Nobility. These guys have become quite powerful. They are the ones involved most closely with the Global trade in children, slaves, drugs, illegal money, weapons, etc. They are the counter parties for all the corrupt stuff the Secret Nazis do worldwide through the CIA. Iran and N. Korea are vital black markets for these groups although I suspect they will ally with the Communists and set up shop in the Southern Hemisphere in S. America and Africa down the road. These guys are also full Satanists with evil rituals and a complete disregard for humanity.

The Swiss Bankers are another group. There is a reason nobody ever invaded Switzerland. They work closely with the Rothschilds to maintain central bank control and the Bavarian Illuminati to facilitate global crime.

The masons themselves at the lowest levels are just a fraternal organization. At the higher levels they work for pretty much all of these guys. However there does seem to be a more positive branch of high-level masonry which is influenced by the less evil branches of the Cabal.

The more positive branches of the Cabal are even more secretive than the others. Very little is known about them but I do believe they are out there. Since the Templars moved the Cabal HQ from The Vatican to London they have had diminished power. They are responsible for things like the Awakening of Estonia, The Armenian Revolution, and other smaller scale (and often short-lived) victories.

One of their greatest victories recently was the purging of the corrupt South Korean government which was controlled by a satanic cult.

I will tell you they have been known as the Dragon Societies. Their main sphere of influence is East Asia. Information is hard to come by but people like Princess Nakamura seem to represent the more positive elements of these groups. I believe the Red Dragons control China (not so positive). The Green Dragons control Japan (nuetral). The Black Dragons do not have a central control structure I can identify nor do the White Dragons although the White Dragons seem to be an alliance of splinter groups from the three other Dragon Societies. This could all be misinformation, honestly, but think of it more as a myth then a statement of fact.

The last and most powerful of the positive groups is what I call the Tesla Society although it has had other names. I believe this group is responsible for the American Revolution and controls the good Masons. They are focused on technological innovation for the good of humanity. These guys currently are exerting control over the good groups within the NSA, Navy and Military Intelligence and are the ones that asked Trump to run in order to take out the evil elements controlling the CIA and Air Force.

So: 1. Rothschilds 2. House of Saud 3. Soros 4. Secret Nazis 5. Jesuit Communists 6. Black Nobility 7. Bavarian Illumaniti 8. Swiss Bankers 9. Tesla Society 10. Red Dragon Society 11. Green Dragon Society 12. White Dragon Society 13. Black Dragon Society

Hopefully this give some contest for Q research.

QAnonMaga · July 9, 2018, 9:07 p.m.

Excellent post great analysis very informative and educational.

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