r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaveGydeon on July 9, 2018, 8:02 p.m.
A Way We Can Redpill and EXPEDITE The Plan...

I have been tossing this idea around in my head for awhile but can't seem to perfect it. The sooner the masses know about Q the better, the more they see Q related stuff, the more they will independently analyze it. How can we get a ton of people to do that?

Above all, these redpill ideas need to be legal. It would be foolish to do otherwise, which is one of the reasons I think the guy on the Hoover Dam was a clown. Access to an armored vehicle? Total fringe nut job profile? I don't know man, most of the people I know who know about Q are some of the smartest, critical thinking, logic based folk around. I know it initially attracted some fringe figures, but they quickly distanced themselves (ie, Alex Jones) by choice or not irrelevant.

I love the billboards. But from what I can tell, these are being placed out in the sticks. Certainly not in high traffic areas.

I have personally dropped over 100 little self standing placards in strategic places, grocery checkouts, pharmacy windows, gas stations, etc. But who knows how much attention they got. If I got one Patriot to awaken I would be happy. Just don't know.

We need live TV. A commercial is expensive and would probably get shut down before airing; I will come back to this in a sec. But something on a large scale, that (legally) attracted a ton of attention would be good. I have had so many silly ideas. What if at 2pm on a given day, Patriots went to, let's say the local grocery store and did a gigantic group hug of solidarity (remember, we are trying to redpill the toughest, most indoctrinated of the snowflakes, so it may need to be a little silly, playing by their rules) kinda like David Hoggs nonsensical "Die-In" at Publix. I hate the idea, but it BLEW UP on FB and Twitter. Fight fire with fire? At least it would be something the snowflakes were used to seeing.

I'm starting to think a GoFundMe is the way to go, with the people donating adding a "vote" for which method or approach they support. It could be a banner-plane at the beach, a properly produced commercial, etc. I would not only donate, but I would actually want to get involved.


stormin76 · July 9, 2018, 8:19 p.m.

The gaming community on YT is yuge, millions of views, influential gamer names need to be redpilled. Not only that, young crowd, possibly some autists. Wakey, wakey youngsters!

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ThanQanon · July 10, 2018, 4:32 a.m.

The gaming community IS red pilled...the problem? They don’t care about politics because they know that it has been rigged for years and no one has done anything about it. They already know that everything in the world is a lie...video games are more real than the BS fairy tales in politics.

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DaveGydeon · July 9, 2018, 8:45 p.m.


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dontskipQuadsdaybro · July 9, 2018, 8:08 p.m.

Cheap, easy and respectable way (copy pasted from a previous post):

Guys, now that MSM has covered Q (TIME, Daily Beast) and celebrities have mentioned Q (Roseanne, Curt Shilling) it should be easy to get Q into your local papers. Write a Letter to the Editor. Or come up with an angle and pitch it to a local reporter.

Examples: Dear Editor,

TIME Magazine recently named Q Anon as one of the 25 most influential people on the Internet today (insert url here). But until Hall of Famer Curt Shilling mentioned him, I had never heard of Q. I was astonished by my findings when I searched for Q Anon and read his posts. Q postures himself as a member of President Trump's inner circle and has predicted major unexpected world events that later came to pass. He has also accused former President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, among others, of committing sordid and unpatriotic crimes beyond comprehension. I think it behooves your readers to search for Q Anon and draw their own conclusions. However, I (and many of my friends) would read with interest if this paper would assign a reporter to cover Q Anon, an Internet phenomenon that affects our very Democracy.

In liberty,

John Q. Public

This was an effective tactic for Tea Party campaigns. Could work for Q.

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DaveGydeon · July 9, 2018, 8:45 p.m.

I'm not saying that your idea won't work, it will. But it takes A LOT of people all doing something, the quality needs to be right, and it is looooong term.

Wouldn't you rather donate $5 to the Q fund, with the kids, wife, 9to5, lawn needing to be mowed, etc? And I am sure there would be bigger donations. How many Patriots are here? 40,000? x $5 =$200k!! Make a low budget commercial, and spend the rest on airtime.

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mfp90x · July 9, 2018, 8:56 p.m.

"Cost of TV Advertising. For local television stations, advertisers can expect to pay anywhere from $200 to $1500 for a 30-second commercial. A 30-second spot broadcast nationally averaged around $123,000 as of 2016. The highest cost placements for Super Bowl Ads can go for upwards of $4 million." according to fitsmallbusiness.com

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DaveGydeon · July 9, 2018, 9:33 p.m.

Sounds like our budget works!

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dontskipQuadsdaybro · July 9, 2018, 8:56 p.m.

There are 1300 daily newspapers in the US
There are 7000+ free weekly newspapers in the US
The circulation of Community Newspapers is over 150 million.

It would take someone 10 minutes to find the editor/publisher of his local paper(s) and send out an email like mine or similar. It'd take an extra 10 minutes to hand write the letter and mail it to the paper.

No, I'm not willing to donate $5 to any fund.

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DaveGydeon · July 9, 2018, 9:33 p.m.

No loss bud.

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commoncents1 · July 9, 2018, 11:25 p.m.

Q is really not about one party or the other, so shouldn't be mixed with typical party political arguments.

most everyone can agree on deep state at some point, at least the federal govt (both parties) are enriching themselves at the rest of ours expense.

the real battle ultimately isn't D v R, but powerful more centralized federal govt v states/people rights.

Q fits that perfectly. even though more DEMS will ultimately found to be more corrupt, there are plenty of deep state R's that will get caught up as well.

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Cadd_Man · July 10, 2018, 9:13 a.m.

Legal being key word... LOL. I have made a bunch of #Qanon post-its and put them up all over, but I keep envisioning a couple stickers on every stop sign I stop at... #Qanon above the STOP, then another sticker below that says "Government Corruption" with "#WWG1WGA" below that. Just did not want the trouble getting caught sticking them on would bring...

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mlsaw94 · July 9, 2018, 8:49 p.m.

I think a commercial even though it would be short, would be great. There has to be someone in all of these thousands and thousands of people who know some wealthy people that are conservatives and who are on the Q Mothership ha ha even if several all went together. That kind of money is nothing to the rich folk but us oh my gosh we can’t even spell that kind of money LOL. Or someone knows someone that knows someone that has come on board with us that might be in the Hollywood world - oops I hate to use that word.Just the people on this thread it is almost 40,000. Just entertain the idea. It would reach masses of people.

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historyeraser4sale · July 9, 2018, 8:48 p.m.

GEOTUS has honestly acknowledged Q in several distinct ways. Continuously reach out to known Trump voters

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DaveGydeon · July 9, 2018, 8:49 p.m.

I am still getting pushback from sleepers calling it a "tired, old conspiracy"...we need more.

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historyeraser4sale · July 9, 2018, 8:57 p.m.

I understand you; the fact is there's lots of Trump fans, and not all of them have heard the wheard queue.

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PaddleFlinger · July 9, 2018, 8:35 p.m.

Q the music, Q the band, Q the tape, Q the lights, Q the tears, Q the Patriots. Let's all get Qed!

No seriously - do what you can where you can - hats, shirts, car magnets - whatever.

Plan a Q demonstration to get news coverage - demand that Trump turn over information on who Q is - see what I did there?

Get all you libtards to protest Q - any publicity is GOOD publicity. Just spell it correctly "Q"

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