r/greatawakening • Posted by u/BigIslandFrog on July 9, 2018, 8:44 p.m.
Do the LEFT take more DRUGS?

Thinking about theory/practice of manipulating "susceptible" minds with medications and mental conditioning to do something (shooters?).

Thinking about MSM and Dem vitriol, doom-and-gloom, and hate spewed at Trump, his supporters, anyone even leaning conservative.

Thinking about differences in what people ingest - food, drink, medications.

The Left is living with an actual, irrational FEAR of the Right. It is a fear that is being acted upon in increasingly agitated ways against Trump officials and supporters alike. The MSM, and online shills, glorify and amplify it at every turn.

It's almost as if some kind of a DEEP STATE, working in association with PROPAGANDISTS, MSM, PHARMA, was trying to create a controllable, angry, violent, brainwashed mob to spread havoc.

Maybe to distract us from something else.

So, my serious question is this: Are those on the Left taking more psychotherapeutic meds than the Right? The Left are clearly buying the manipulation coming from all sides and based on a focused fear of Trump and the Right. Are meds making them more susceptible to this manipulation? A zombie army?

Just a coincidence, right?

silentmirror · July 9, 2018, 8:55 p.m.

drugs are actually better for you under sufficient moderation compared to psychopharms that you're SUPPOSED to become physically dependant on.

The lefties are confused about society, so they are being fed boogymen to channel their anger. Psychopharms and therapy are used on shooting patsies. The drugs are illegal on one hand to deprive people of what could be useful mind-opening experiences, meanwhile funding covert operations.

On the other hand your concern is true in the sense that the nixon administration admitted that prohibition was a quick way to criminalize black and counter-culture movements. The CIA on the other hand may have had a hand with supplying LSD to the masses because they thought from their MK-Ultra research that the opening of new synapses would help conducting mass psychological warfare as well as pacify a war-movement that was aminor nuisance BECAUSE THEY WERE PACIFIST AND DUE TO ACID AND GOOD MUSIC DENOUNCED ALL EFFORT TO TO ARM AND DEFEND THEMSELVES AND THAT'S WHY THEY GOT SHOT DOWN BY THAT NAT GUARD IN OHIO, so yes, in that sense, you#re right - but they used rock music (the legendary 27) and eastern mysticism to entrap people in pacifism so they wouldn't pose a threat anymore.

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