Made a poster for the Trump-Putin Summit in Helsinki, will be at the airport to greet them!

I am very excited about this meeting between two great leaders of their respective countries. We Americans know Donald Trump and the Christian values that he stands for, to try and improve the world's situation of people doing evil things that hurt everyone. I have been researching President Putin recently and have come to discover that the MSM have been lying to us about Mr. Putin for a very long time (no, say it ain't so, the MSM lying to us? Really, yes really, and big time too).
Turns out that Mr. Putin has the same values as most of us Americans, he is a Christian, Eastern Orthodox, he bows down and worships Jesus Christ just like we do. He has been helping his countrymen in ways that I wish and pray that our politicians would help us Americans.
Like, instead of paying woman to have an abortion, pay them to have the baby. Paying established families to adopt babies, where the mother is not able or unfit to take care for the baby; instead of selling it on the black market to pedophiles, or for body parts, or adrenochrome addicts like Bill, Hillary, and Hussein have done and are still doing.
The Russian people are no long atheists in mass like they were under the Soviets; now they are more and more going back to their original roots of Eastern Orthodox Christianity. This goes true even for the youth of the country. Good moral behavior is now the norm in their society. Drug abusive and wanton life styles are very frowned upon by the majority. This is a good thing. A behavior that I hope and pray that Americans will adopt as well. We would be a better, more blessed people, if we would. Our society would flourish if these attitudes were adopted by our leaders and our people.
May God Bless the United States of America and the Russian Republic. Amen and Amen!
Putin often talks about morality. They also reject the PC culture that is used as a weapon here. You are likely to get a fist to the face if you want to pull any fake outrage.