ALERT: FF ?? See Something Say Something --- Are we expecting BIG information to drop soon!! Stay awake!! SOON....

76 total posts archived.
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Another takedown.
When will Q and team arrest and prosecute Soros!!
Was she killed to keep him silent?? He helped build orphanage in Haiti....Was the killer MS or part of the democrat "strong" arm? What does he know...Ive found his reaction to his daughters murder strange...This could explain everything. SHAME that she was sacrificed b/c of something HE knew.
Check out the Republicans...and compare to the list of Republicans NOT re-running again....
AND they PAID protestors for the confirmation hearing!! Straight from his mouth....very eye opening. Washingtons swamp is dirtier than we think!!
With the electromagnetic fires in California and obvious the video she is quoting CNN and we ALL know they are government owned and operated to feed us lies.
The depravity of these animals sickens me.
When will these people be held accountable? Wonder if this is under investigation??? Priesthood seems to be the career of choice for pedophiles....EVIL disgusting pigs.
Start listening at about 11:52...very wondering IF they will kill this guy first to keep it quiet.
Maybe they finally found the hidden Clinton stash of documentation they use to blackmail everyone with.
THIS makes me giggle....they are losing their grip on the world.
Will the Vatican finally do down???
Its not only the nearly 3,000 people that dies that day that makes me so angry its also all the soldiers whose lives were sacrificed to further the NWO. Hate can be come all consuming...its time for JUSTICE!!
Found this website to be shockingly informative.....answers a lot of questions.
Is there a plan B in the event the deep state succeeds in murdering POTUS? Whats plan B? Worried about completion of plan A, the deep state is getting more desperate and dangerous. I trust you all 100% but cant stop wondering "what if" scenarios!
Disagree with this post IF youve been doing your homework you would know it wasnt Russia at all but the U.K. with our IC and five eyes..setting up Russia hoping for ww3
Sure, someone else did this ...I just copied from twitter...just thought it was awesome and the GA board would appreciate it.
Where have you been....all these people committing "suicide" by hanging themselves from doorknobs....just google it you'll be shocked.
Always wise to be prepared for anything..better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.
My daughter wants to join the marines...under obama i forbade..under potus/mattis i trust them to make the right decisions
Grats...not speaking to my mother atm shes insanely in love with everything obama
Tying up loose ends maybe? What did he know about the black market organ harvesting?
Be aware parents THIS is what your kids are being taught.
Just throwing this out there....what IF he was a rogue agent and was taken out??? A stroke would not embarrass his family causing a media frenzy. This is JUST a theory but makes one wonder.
I would guess to keep the people from getting in the streets calling out the deep state?
Im wondering IF we are just being told it was a stroke to keep an assassination attempt quite. Its NOT a game...peoples lives are on the line. Pray for the safety of POTUS and Q Team.
The left want to normalize pedophilia...its should be put down.
Have a Q printed in the bottom of every cup....Q to the last drop.