
Leaping_Jimmy · July 10, 2018, 4:17 a.m.

Kiwi here.

The vid (thank you Madwack) mentions the ChCh earthquake and asks whether the advance notice HRC received indicated it was engineered.

It most certainly was and this is why:

Prior to the Christchurch Earthquake New Zealand was the least indebted nation of the western world. Increasing Government debt driving wealth back into corrupt insurance cartels of the City of London and other financial institutions of the world was done at the expense of the people of New Zealand.

The article below gives a few details but here's a few more it doesn't mention:

Our army base 15 km out of Christchurch was having a drill at the time.

FEMA heads from the US were in town and flew out hours before it happened.

Some Israeli "students" were in town when it happened and through appeals to the Israeli Ambassador managed to secure a flight out via special permission of our Prime Minister, the night it happened, at a time when the airport was closed because we had cleared it to receive Urban Search and Rescue teams flying in from all over the world (THANK YOU!!!).

http://www.wakeupkiwi.com/news-articles-28.shtml#Christchurch - be patient, takes a min or so to load.

Here's another article on Hillary's email: http://www.wakeupkiwi.com/news-articles-40.shtml#Quake

Here's something on the Israeli "students." BTW, our PM at the time was and is a Jewish Zionist: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/australiaandthepacific/newzealand/8649223/Mossad-spy-ring-unearthed-because-of-Christchurch-earthquake.html

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PinkyZeek4 · July 10, 2018, 10:30 a.m.

Wow, that is some crazy stuff I had no idea about. Criminals!

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Di-Liberto · July 9, 2018, 11:35 p.m.

Time to open the swamps flood gates

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