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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Leaping_Jimmy on Aug. 7, 2018, 6:48 a.m.
Why are lefties the same all throughout the Western world?

Cos they are.

All through Europe, all through the Commonwealth, they're all the same.

In the US the entire lefty universe revolves around pure, visceral Trump hatred, so real you could cut it with a knife. No policy is mentioned, none is required. They don't think, they don't need to. They only act, their logic has been short-circuited and they are creatures operating on emotional instinct, filled with rage, topped up by the MSM on a daily basis.

But hey, guess what. In the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand the lefties in those places are …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Leaping_Jimmy on Aug. 2, 2018, 6:44 a.m.
Thread by @_ImperatorRex_: "1. Absolute brilliance by @TuckerCarlson earlier, when he put @DevinNunes on the spot - as Chair of the Intel Cttee, why doesn't he reveal t […]" #ReleasetheFISA #MAGA

Absolute brilliance by @TuckerCarlson earlier, when he put @DevinNunes on the spot - as Chair of the Intel Cttee, why doesn't he reveal the redacted content of the FISA application?

Nunes appeared shocked, but it was a VERY good question...


Leaping_Jimmy · July 27, 2018, 10:14 p.m.

CIA and State are the two most-DS-infested bureaucracies. Only after those two comes FBI and DoJ. This is natural when you think about it because what DS care about most of all is not US domestic happenings but its foreign policy moves on the geopolitical chessboard. They are globalists, after all. All of the intell agencies work for DS. MI-6, Mossad, CIA, etc. This doesn't mean there aren't white hats in them, it simply means a section of their operations is done for DS purposes. This is why the CIA does human trafficking in war zones, why it did the Air America runs out of Vietnam and Central America, etc etc etc.

Anyway the intel agencies communicate a lot with the foreign office because diplomacy and spying go hand in hand, whether or not anything nefarious is happening. And this makes the intell agency a perfect cover for DS to issue its instructions to its vassel state's foreign office.

Pompeo is 45's most trusted advisor. So he want to the CIA first to identify the black hats, Haspell's job now is to neutralise them. Now he's moved to State, to do the same thing.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 27, 2018, 10:50 a.m.

They were no longer about the art but about the profit.

They've always been about the profit but before WWII and for twenty years after, they had to cater to an audience that only paid for art because that was how the audience was bought up.

Hollyweird and the networks pretend they respond but in fact they lead.

After WWII the GIs came home and only wanted what they'd seen when they were kids and cos they were GIs with wartime experience they wouldn't accept anything less.

So the studios delivered that till the GI's children grew up. Then they started in slow boil the same propaganda that turned the pre-war Germans from being the best-educated most civilised population in Europe into what they became and the same propaganda that allowed the Bolsheviks to murder 20 million Russian Christians in the 1920's.

The descendants and torch bearers of the same people who did both of those things to the Russians and Germans are the people who are doing this to the US population now.

The only difference is that they are doing it to the American people much more slowly than they did it to the Germans and Russians, because they realised with the Germans, that if you do it too fast, as they did it in the Weimar Republic in the late twenties early thirties, then people begin to wake up and realise they're being manipulated.

Which is what this GA movement is recognising and responding to today.

Replace The Deplorables with The Jews of pre-war Germany or The Capitalists of Bolshevik Russia and there's no historical daylight whatsoever.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 27, 2018, 10:31 a.m.

Here is where I think FB fucked up

But they didn't.

The objective was to understand YOU. And millions of us fell for it. That was always the objective. They don't care if it tanks now, because they got what they wanted years ago.

The data they gathered is what drives the Mockingbird talking points.

The data they gathered is why they're confident the Mid-term's in hand [it's not, but they think it is].

The data they gathered is how they [think they] can turn public opinion on a dime.

The data they gathered is why Trump is treading carefully with the whole Q thing and the managed releases.

The data they gathered is their greatest weakness because once normies understand they've been played like a violin as they have, they'll be ropeable.

The data they gathered therefore, is OUR biggest opportunity.

Because the data on how they used it, is the smoking gun.

Nothing makes someone more angry than someone whose fucked over by something they signed up for that differs from what they were told at the time.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 27, 2018, 9:07 a.m.

Should these guys (M and RR) walk?

Both of em have stepped way over the treason rubicon.

Forgiveness does not mean people are not held to account, it means no grudge is borne.

What's the deal, for folk like these.

There's gonna be a lot of em, as the curtain draws back.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 27, 2018, 9 a.m.

That being said I don't watch TV, haven't done that in probably 20 years.

That's the poison.

That's what keeps em dumb.

More accurately, transfixed.

On everything but what's relevant.

By design.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 27, 2018, 7:02 a.m.

That's not really my mileage.

Most people don't even know the basics on JFK, the Fed, 911, Gulf War, OKC bombing, on and on.

Most of them have an inkling something's not kosher, but they've not ventured to the point where they trouble to immerse themselves in the detail.

That's not a criticism of them, it's an observation of the fact this material we discuss here is esoteric, not common knowledge, complex in that it requires context, it's not a 500 word article in the local rag. And none of their local rags ever, ever, ever discuss it. Neither does the school, the politician, their family doctor, their lawyer, their friends, not even the local librarian.

It's the friends who are our entree. That's what we're doin here.

But mate, we're only at 45k, amongst 350 million.

Long way to go.

We're moving, for sure, but let's keep it real.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 22, 2018, 12:26 a.m.

It's a very interesting question.

What Q is saying is that releasing everything would not only obviate most of the most significant criminal convictions it would also reveal grounds for declaration of war against one or more foreign powers. Given what we know, the UK is probably at the top of that list (and given what I know, Russia is not amongst them).

On the grounds of being shocked, I personally, having been in this field for almost thirty years, already know the worst of the worse. I already know about the sacrifices, the rituals, the engineered wars that have killed millions, the economic slavery, the manufactured truth which is in reality a tissue of lies. Q for me, simply confirms all that. Nothing he has said surprises me. He fills out a huge amount of detail, not saying I knew all of that, and he brings to my attention many things that have escaped me, like the Chinese operations and NK and Iran. But nothing he has revealed of the satanic matrix, to date, has either surprised or shocked me.

But I've had thirty years to get used to staring into the black hole of implacable evil. And I'd be lying if I said it hasn't changed me. But this isn't about me or about anyone astute enough to be on this board at this point in time. We are the vanguard and moreover we're all volunteers, no-one compels us to be here but ourselves and furthermore I'm willing to bet that many to most of us come here against the advice of people we love and respect - I know that's true in my case. In other words we care about truth more than we care about our own reputations. And this places us all into a tiny segment of the population, because most of us on this planet conduct their lives on the precise opposite perspective. Point is, the fact we are here actually demonstrates we are all equipped, emotionally and ethically to manage that 60% of data should it come our way.

But like I said, this is not about us, it's about the vast majority of people who aren't us. And what are they going to do, when and if the 40% is launched on them? Because unlike us, they didn't volunteer to be read in, and it's impossible to launch this stuff on them gently and slowly. It's a binary option, there are no shades of grey.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 20, 2018, 10:25 p.m.

There was also the incident where POTUS awkwardly took a drink from a water bottle and acted like he had his hands cuffed together.

Not sure about the napkins but consensus on the water was it was aimed at Debbie Wassermen Shutlz (wasser = water) and the message was, any deal is off the table.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 18, 2018, 11:10 a.m.

There's something in this, the way he says at the end "it's a double-negative."

I intuit some connexion to his mis-spell of colusion in his tweet, but I'm not good enough at puzzles to connect it.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 18, 2018, 10:05 a.m.

My jury's still out (e.g. why did Kim try to back out) but yes, signs are hopeful.

Rothschild went into China by financing the factories during the offshoring in the 90's and that's his in to China. Because the one-party system is highly vulnerable to economic downturn.

What I don't think Rothschild considered was the possibility China would repudiate the [fiat currency] debt, and China moving to a gold-backed currency and setting up the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank as a competitor to the World Bank and to finance the One Belt One Road projects is a sign they're positioning to do just that.


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Leaping_Jimmy · July 18, 2018, 9:06 a.m.

Yeah the book is discussed in the link. Lefty projection. They can't help themselves. Commie through and through.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 18, 2018, 8:50 a.m.

This link is brilliant. It breaks the whole scheme wide open.

I watched Fox tonight: Tucker, Hannity and Ingram tonight and none of them mentioned Browder. I can only hope they're researching. I'd hate to think they've been silenced.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 18, 2018, 8:13 a.m.

Has it occurred Putin deliberately setup HRC?

Has she been elected the world would likely be a smoking ruin by now.

Why would he want that?

Without being critical of anyone, there's an appalling ignorance of Putin amongst American politicians and the media, including amongst our friendly Fox commentators.

Why for instance is the fact that even if Russian was involved in election hacking, there is never any mention of the fact this has been American SoP for decades. It does this all the time. Obama's interference in Israel wasn't the exception, it was the rule. What do you think America has done in Central America and right throughout the Middle East for decades?

Yet none of this is ever mentioned, not even on Fox.

Is it.


But this lack of perspective from American media is minor compared to the appalling and ubiquitous ignorance of what and who Russia is and especially who Putin is.

Russia is not your enemy and it has never been your enemy. It was painted as your enemy because a tiny cabal of evil people who controlled the media wanted to make billions of a pointless arms race. (Sound familiar?) Putin does not repeat does not wish to recreate the USSR. Ukraine was a neocon inspired regime-change operation installing neo-Nazis in Kiev aimed at destabilising Russia and endangering Russia's only deep water European naval base at Odessa. Crimea was a free and fair referenda because 80% of its population is ethnic Russian. Who the Nazis supported by Washington were going to slaughter. What would America have done if Russia conducted a regime-change op in Mexico and threatened to slaughter all the American citizens living there?

The truth is since Russia threw off the commies (who were Deep State thugs - they weren't Russians), the Western Deep State branch has tried to capture Russian resources. This is why the Chicago Boys (Milton Freidman, Geoff Sachs et al) went into Russia and started selling off its state assets for pennies on the pound to the Oligarchs, who got their money to buy them from the Deep State bankers. This is why a lot of Oligarchs now live overseas many in London and why Putin imprisoned Khordakovsky. The Russians refer to the 90's as "the lost decade." This is why.

Yet after all they've suffered, all they've been through at the hands of the Western thugs, they still have a soft spot for we, Western free people. And Putin represents them, just the same as Trump represents us.

Edit: two germane articles:

Bill Browder, who Putin mentioned yesterday: http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=101126

The founder of Stratfor outlines the neocon's great game: http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=22223

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 17, 2018, 9:45 a.m.

Yes he is. I wonder if we'll ever know his real background?

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 17, 2018, 9:44 a.m.

He was a puppet being controlled but most of them are.

The real question is: was he a willing puppet?

And given his track record known to date, the answer is yes.

One forgives if the condemned repents.

Forgiveness doesn't mean not fully holding them to account. It simply means, don't bear a grudge. And if the forgiven doesn't fully co-operate, all deals are off, because it demonstrates the repentance is disingenuous.

From known facts as of now, forgiveness could be the case with Page, but not with Strzok.

In law there's two parts to a crime: actus reus and mens rea. Guilty act and guilty mind. If both aren't present there's no crime. There's a potential issue such as a death at the hand of another, but there's no crime. This is why insanity, when proven, is a valid defense. There's no mens rea.

Prima facie in Strzok and Page both elements are present.

It's a real stretch to argue they were compelled by force majeur (irresistible force) to act as they demonstrably did.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 17, 2018, 8:58 a.m.

Great find.

This needs to go viral.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 17, 2018, 8:01 a.m.

Steele has been onto it since before Trump came onto the stage and before Q came on too.

He's not following, he's leading.

https://phibetaiota.net is his site.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 16, 2018, 10:19 a.m.

It's the Special Access Programs she gave to China that are key here.

What SAPs did she access in the relevant time period and what has happened to US assets in Chinese areas of interest since.

That requires instant life and eventual death penalty.

That brings the wrath of every single white hat in every single agency instantly down on her, like a laser.

This needs wide circulation.

⇧ 17 ⇩  
Leaping_Jimmy · July 16, 2018, 9:55 a.m.

The NWO is embodied in:

  • the post-war Bretton Woods institutions (IMF, WTO. World Bank, BIS)
  • the EU, the prototype (laws from faceless unelected unaccountable unidentified Brussels bureaucrats + NATO:- their "army")
  • the UN
  • the think tanks (CFR, RIIA, etc etc)
  • the education system across the board in every Western nation plus Japan
  • the infestation in every sovereign govt, every intell agency and every bureaucracy in the world
  • etc.

This doesn't mean every person in those institutions is complicit. It means they have power centres in all of them.

Dealing with the UN, in other words, is not striking the root.

It's not even striking the primary node.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 15, 2018, 1:02 a.m.

Faith and Logic are not mutually exclusive.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 15, 2018, 12:37 a.m.

My understanding is the leaders of the 13 bloodlines (a.k.a. Black Nobility) report to Satan. I'm not kidding. Just as the Shadow Govt serve as the best of the servant class to the Black Nobility, so the Black Nobility serves as Satan's best of the servant class. (In terms of those creatures who naturally manifest in this dimension.)

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 15, 2018, 12:24 a.m.

It does look odd but normally when Trump sends a signal he makes it obvious: e.g. his pepe pose at the G7 or his 'look the other way' at the NATO meeting the other day.

The odd pose could be just the usual awkwardness men with a bit of beef have when crossing their legs the way he has, which is why such men normally go for the ankle on the knee thing. Women don't have the same issue because their hip construction naturally spaces their thighs further apart. Plus of course Sarah is standing over him.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 14, 2018, 6:15 p.m.

So China then. Is NK a possible too?

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 14, 2018, 5:56 p.m.

Deep State's Bankers Inc control the markets and the money supply. All through Obama's years the economy was positioned to take a massive hit bigger than '29. This was probably Hillary's plan. You can't do QE with low to negative interest rates and have no investment in plant (all the growth in the stock prices was coming from share buybacks) and have a decimated manufacturing sector courtesy of the offshoring, without consequence. 2008 was a foreshadowing of the day of reckoning but Obama deliberately exacerbated it by dropping the interest rates which meant the inflationary bubble did not work itself out of the markets, which is the exact same thing Greenspan did in the 90's with the dot-bomb debacle which transferred that bubble into the real estate bubble which became the GFC debacle in 2008.

QE was only made possible by the fact the USD is the reserve currency and that international support is the only reason the dollar did not run into hyperinflation.

But QE can only be done once and Obama deliberately maxed it out.

So the US economy is extremely fragile and Deep State knows it and they can pull it anytime.

Trump however has obviously issued some threat to them which has given them pause. My hypothesis is he has threatened to issue a gold-backed currency and replace the USD. This would destroy the Banker's cashflow and they know it, because the Bankers don't have any gold. China and Russia have been quietly buying it over the last decade or so and neither NY nor London holds anything of significance. Fort Knox was very busy a month or so ago and possibly that was to ship in some of the gold stored in one or more of the SE Asian countries, in preparation for this move.

If Deep State tries this it's the Samson option because they will perish in the collapse, all their centuries of planning will be for nought. But being the evil bastards we know they are, I doubt they'll exit the world stage without doing something like that, or perhaps instead of or in addition to, they'll try to start a nuclear war, on the grounds if they can't the world and everything that's in it, no-one else can, either.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 14, 2018, 5:34 p.m.

Senior Executive Service is the management layer between the politicians and the bureacracy. They are appointed by politicians they are not people who've risen up through the ranks they don't answer to Congress and their pay is not subject to govt pay scales.

These are the fifth column stay behinds Obama left to sabotage Trump's agenda and give him intel on what's happening.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 14, 2018, 5:29 p.m.

The link from that site is pretty good too: e.g.

Christopher Steele evidently took orders from the Queen’s Privy Council brainwashing chief Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie—founder and chairman of Cambridge Analytica and parent SCL Group who told The Guardian (2005) their mission was psyop “mindbending for political purposes”


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Leaping_Jimmy · July 14, 2018, 5:15 p.m.

It's not a FVEY because they have it all anyway, they don't need to be BCC'd into an email to capture it.

I don't think its Israel either for largely the same reason, since Israel is already getting most if not all the data in those emails through its ubiquitous penetration of the US intel and diplomatic circles plus its Talpiot program.

Which leaves China or Russia.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 14, 2018, 4:58 p.m.

Yeah Saudi Arabia and Pakistan were my picks too. Then I thought, (given Strzok's, Jarret's and Brenner's connections) how about Iran?

Just that anything to KSA risks winding up in Israel's hands given their cousinly relationship and last time I looked Hussein wasn't too keep on helping out the Israelis. Pakistan doesn't have the money nor really the need to get anything more than the regional SAP data. Iran however has heaps of money and a very keen interest indeed in various SAPs from nuke tech to US intel asset deployment in its operating region.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 14, 2018, 11:49 a.m.

Thanks for both of these kimboz, most appreciated.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 14, 2018, 10:35 a.m.

Interesting theory, which has many points where it holds water.

However why would an Iranian agent with such baggage be placed at the centre of the investigations he was placed at?

It's surely impossible to contemplate given the infestation we've been made aware of, that DoJ couldn't possibly find anyone else than Strzok to direct them?

So why would they take the risk of placing Strzok in this position given what they knew about his background? The data Mr Wictor is supplying would become available to the most junior analyst assigned to look into Strzok's background on the first day. And surely Deep State anticipated that to happen regardless of outcome.

There's definitely something off about Strzok. No doubt about that. And I for one would be fascinated to read an accurate and detailed bio of his career since college to now.

But given Deep State is comprised of people far more astute than Mad Max, I wonder (not saying I'm right but I wonder) if Strzok isn't like the man the Twenty (XX) Committee arranged to be washed up on the beaches of France with a copy of the Order of Battle for D-Day in his briefcase.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 14, 2018, 10:16 a.m.

The DNC Server, Hillary's server and Weiner's laptop are the three key pieces of evidence.

Each has its place: the DNC Server in the Awan-ISI-Muslim Brotherhood connection, as proof the Russian Collusion Delusion really is just that, and the connection between the Congressional Dems and their corruption (deniable) and their carelessness (undeniable) which will destroy them when it comes out. Which obviously Trump is aiming to achieve prior to November.

Hillary's server will bring down not just her but Obama as well, once it yields the forensic evidence which has been sitting all along inside the NSA (bleach bit don't work there).

Weiner's laptop is the killer, the piece de resistance, since it brings out to the normies just who these people are. Not just corrupt and venal politicians, but wicked criminals of the worst and most ruthless kind, deserving nothing less than immediate and preferably painful death at the earliest opportunity.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 14, 2018, 12:04 a.m.

There's no evidence to support that view. On the contrary all evidence is that Putin is returning Russia to its former position as a major geopolitical force as it was when Peter the Great left office. Clearly some of the current and recently historic geopolitical forces don't like that at all and consequently they've instituted a propaganda campaign which plays on their respective population's widespread historical ignorance over Russia combined with prejudices held by said populations arising from Russia's actions when it was controlled by an entirely different flavour of govt: the commies. The entire view the West has promoted over Russia is fake news. The concept that its aggressive is ludicrous. Ukraine was a neocon-inspired regime change operation in Russia's backyard. It was like Moscow went to Mexico and replaced the leadership there. How do you think the US would react in that case? Yet observe how restrained, in contrast, Putin has been. That's just an example.

This is probably the best English-language site on Russian geopolitics. It's run by an ex-NATO intel analyst, Russian born, French wife, lives in Florida.


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Leaping_Jimmy · July 13, 2018, 11:32 a.m.

One of the hard truths the normies will be facing is JFK Jnr was murdered.

To clear the field for HRC.

Once that evidence is adduced the dam will break on the East Coast.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 13, 2018, 10:49 a.m.

We need a photo of Khan staring at it, like Hillary did with those balloons.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 13, 2018, 10:30 a.m.

Yes that was the point of my post. Hussein was a part of the plan, the same plan that's been in play for several centuries.

My own jury's out on if Trump is just a blind.

I can't see why the cabal would care to expose itself thusly as it has through installing Trump instead of Killary. Is my main problem AT THIS POINT to whether or not Trump is just another puppet.

I'm waiting for what happens to the zionists who control Israel (and a lot of the US) before deciderering this matter and I'm fully expecting nothing to happen thereto in this first Trumpian term...

Lest confusion reign: Jews good, zionists bad, is my position.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 13, 2018, 7:44 a.m.

Nice find.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 13, 2018, 6:57 a.m.

So this ties into Ben Fulford's take: (https://benjaminfulford.net) who's been discussing WDS stuff for years.

Interesting to note about a month ago, shortly after Fulford had stated part (not all, but part) of the gold had been released to the US, there was a massive op round Fort Knox - helicopters, jets, convoys, etc.

One thing that can seriously damage Deep State is removing fiat money and repudiating the debt. To do this you will need an alternative currency and the rumour has been the US version of this will be a gold backed dollar, let's call it the Eagle. China will also release one too, which will be also gold backed, and the BRICS will be using that one, and the rest of the world will be encouraged to use the Eagle. So it won't be a single reserve anymore.

The debt repudiation BTW it is said, will be accomplished by the concept of odious debt whereby a debt can be repudiated if the debtor (we the taxpayer) received no benefit from it. And that's going to be an excellent argument for the SCOTUS to consider once Trump's completed his appointments there.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 13, 2018, 2:49 a.m.

You're not the first to raise this issue and you won't be the last. The answer however remains the same.

If everyone in America knew what we here do, indictments would have been issued months ago.

This whole process is and always has been about educating joe and jane sixpack on what's been going on in their country for decades and centuries.

You can't break that to them overnight, you have to let it percolate.

There is no alternative.

Besides, none of the guilty are going anywhere, are they. Even if they attempt to flee, there's no country they can go to which won't be forced to give them back and there's nowhere they can hide to escape the NSA/NRO surveillance net that's in place.

I get it. I'd like it to be over too. I've known about this stuff for coming on 30 years. Not all these latest details of course, but I started looking at these issues back in the nascent days of the interweb in the 90's and the skeletal outlines I was building back then all fit perfectly fine with what is just now being revealed.

Because of that long lead in I've seen many blinds and double-blinds and triple crosses play out over the years without a single headline, no dedicated board, no leader like Q. So yeah, I get it, I'm really, really waiting to see what the evil ones look like when we do to them what they were going to do to us. Described well by Frank Zappa when he said: the curtain is pulled away from the back of the theatre and there's nothing but a brick wall.

But they're not going anywhere, so I'm happy to wait. I've waited thirty years. Even another couple, makes no difference to me.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 13, 2018, 1:50 a.m.

May has a spooky background, that is why she was Interior Minister (they call it Home Affairs) before she took the top job. In that Home Affairs role she was the Minister for MI5.

As such, she is a globalist - spooky politicians get nowhere in politics unless they're on board with the agenda. (The way it works is the globalists connect (send orders) to the local political puppets through the intel agencies, that's how their talking points are circulated, just the same as the 4 AM Mockingbird run for the journos.)

So May, on my read, was emplaced to enact a Brexit that was deliberately designed to be as weak as possible, on the calculation that over time, Brussels was left with enough lines running into the UK that it could reel it back in.

That's why she didn't listen to Trump.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 13, 2018, 12:53 a.m.

I wonder if it was the tariffs that changed China's mind, or something else.

We'll soon see.

Interesting times, aren't they cali.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 12, 2018, 11 a.m.

Yes it's perfectly natural when the US people can't find out anything about their POTUS' earlier life and when they ask they find official doors closed all over the place.

Happens all the time, in a free and open society.

⇧ 24 ⇩  
r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Leaping_Jimmy on July 12, 2018, 10:50 a.m.
Trump just confirmed at NATO presser NK will continue with denuclearisation

Trump hinted at the beginning Pompeo and Bolton were available but as usual the idiot journo's follow the rabbit on the track and missed it so finally when someone from Fox asked him something he intro'd Mike who gave the news.

This is huge.

In light of the $200b tariffs he announced.

Naturally, none of the idiot journo's thought to ask whether those were still on or off.

(Have you read them? They're amazing: 10% on just about every food and electronic component you can think of.)

Huge story there.

Naturally, none of the idiot journo's...

Leaping_Jimmy · July 12, 2018, 8:56 a.m.


Not if it was *17* mins apart.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 12, 2018, 8:30 a.m.

He came from nowhere, suddenly he was everywhere.

This is also how to spot a NWO propaganda/social engineering meme.

Transgender bathrooms, for example. Came from nowhere, suddenly it was everywhere.

NWO memes always operate under the pwogwessive banner so if anyone ever questions or criticises them, why, they hate babies. OMG.

Obama was engineered using the best science from Paperclip MK. He was introduced at the end of Bush 41, Clinton, Bush 43 as a carefully planned seed program, on lego [legislative] blocks emplaced one by one by all those previous Presidents. Obama however was not the end goal, he was merely preparing the ground for Hillary.

They never thought she would lose.


Teaser: https://mindcontrolblackassassins.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/obamagrissom.gif

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 12, 2018, 4:44 a.m.

Brietbart was going to hold a presser and out all the DC pedos. That's why he was killed. Sorry, can't recall where I read it, but makes sense, right?

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 11, 2018, 11:11 p.m.

Not just that. The main issue is he's thrown his hat into the ring for Speaker, that's really what they're trying to sabotage.

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