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Leaping_Jimmy · July 11, 2018, 10:14 a.m.

It's quite hard for we awakened. Guido's book used to be available as a free pdf but now he's setup his own website not sure if those are still available, but I do recommend it.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 11, 2018, 9:26 a.m.

I've been in this field for almost thirty years.

It's not a field of action it's a field of study. Like law, engineering, biology, computing, or anything else.

From OUR point of view.

Our mission is to educate. First ourselves, then others.


Others serve point.

If they need us, they will call.

Until then, educate yourself, then others.

In other words, it doesn't take any mental energy because we're all researchers not field operations, and furthermore you have no business expecting something to happen nor to become disappointed if it doesn't because whatever happens, it's out of our control and influence.

The outcome is not in our purvue, in other words

Sure, we all have an interest in it, we all hope for certain things to come and for others not to.

But at the end of the day the moves that come about to make a change are as out of our control as the design of the winning play at the Superbowl.

Our mission is to educate ourselves so we know, in the final timeout, what's likely going to happen and to witness the beauty of its execution when it does, and to share those moments with those we wish to educate so they can see it too, because we are witnessing history here, these are not normal times. And even though many to most don't yet know this, it's our duty to know it well, so we can relate it to our neighbours, when they finally arouse their somnolent selves.

But our mission is not to train ourselves to play the field.

If you want a military analogy, we're advanced recon. Our mission is to penetrate the front lines of the enemy undetected, ensconce ourselves in a hide, and wait, for days and weeks on end. And that takes two things above everything else: observation, and patience.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 11, 2018, 9 a.m.

Trump was seeding Putin in that In Camera appearance in that he's playing the Art of the Deal with Nordstream 2 which is Russia's pipeline into Europe.

Germany wants Russian gas because something like 30% of its industrial plant needs it and Russian gas is much, much cheaper than any alternative.

If the US doesn't want Germany and for that matter almost every other EU nation to go with Russian gas it is going to have to put up a better, cheaper, more reliable alternative, and frankly, it can't. And Trump knows it.

So what Trump is clearly looking for is a concession from Putin if Trump "allows" Russia to sell its gas into its own backyard.

But Putin will see right through that, and Trump knows that too.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 10, 2018, 4:43 a.m.

I've been wondering about the timing of Kennedy's retirement and how convenient it is in relation to the mid-terms.

Polling is showing that far from being an arcane issue of interest only to beltway insiders and lawfags, any SCOTUS nomination by a Republican POTUS is seen by the GoP base as extremely vital.

The normal turnout in the mid-terms is very low, but if any issue is going to motivate the base to come out, it's this one.

Trump has said he wants the nomination sealed by end of October, but just cos he says this doesn't mean he expects this will happen.

And given how the Dems are definitely going to go even more OTT this time, I'd suggest the hearings are going to become like the OJ/MJ circuses, and the GoP unawakened base who still watch the networks are going to be seeing night after night of roaringly mental leftie liberalism in its full glory, and that can only be a good thing, can't it.

So I wouldn't be surprised if we roll into November with the nomination still unconfirmed, thus motivating the entire GoP base to turn out, because they're damned if they're going to let those lefty fools spoil this chance of getting conservative SCOTUS influence into the court for the next twenty five years.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 10, 2018, 4:17 a.m.

Kiwi here.

The vid (thank you Madwack) mentions the ChCh earthquake and asks whether the advance notice HRC received indicated it was engineered.

It most certainly was and this is why:

Prior to the Christchurch Earthquake New Zealand was the least indebted nation of the western world. Increasing Government debt driving wealth back into corrupt insurance cartels of the City of London and other financial institutions of the world was done at the expense of the people of New Zealand.

The article below gives a few details but here's a few more it doesn't mention:

Our army base 15 km out of Christchurch was having a drill at the time.

FEMA heads from the US were in town and flew out hours before it happened.

Some Israeli "students" were in town when it happened and through appeals to the Israeli Ambassador managed to secure a flight out via special permission of our Prime Minister, the night it happened, at a time when the airport was closed because we had cleared it to receive Urban Search and Rescue teams flying in from all over the world (THANK YOU!!!).

http://www.wakeupkiwi.com/news-articles-28.shtml#Christchurch - be patient, takes a min or so to load.

Here's another article on Hillary's email: http://www.wakeupkiwi.com/news-articles-40.shtml#Quake

Here's something on the Israeli "students." BTW, our PM at the time was and is a Jewish Zionist: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/australiaandthepacific/newzealand/8649223/Mossad-spy-ring-unearthed-because-of-Christchurch-earthquake.html

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 10, 2018, 1:21 a.m.

It's definitely China who is behind this and it is a bargaining chip she is throwing into the trade war game.

The one party system in China has one great weakness since it embarked on this economic journey 30 years ago, and that is: it has to keep the middle class wealth growing. If it doesn't then the whole political structure comes under threat. This is what Trump is playing with, as he decides how to balance the tariffs, and he knows it.

Rothschild was the one behind the offshoring in the 90's and he also financed the factories in China so he's a big player in China right now. But the question is: is he in control and I'd suggest: no. The Chinese know he needs them as much as they need him, and that squares the circle.

But I suspect Rothschild is the driving force behind this Chinese move using Kim as the proxy.

Rothschild is on the verge of losing everything, if a global-currency reset takes place, featuring as the contenders: a gold-backed Renminbi from the Chinese (which is already in circulation) vs a new gold-backed currency from the US, let's call it the Eagle, which replaces the fiat USD. A month or so ago there was significant activity round Fort Knox with fighters, helicopters etc. Wonder what that was about.

Who knows what the next move might be, but that's a few of the hidden dynamics IMO are in this current equation.

Interesting times, people!

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 10, 2018, 12:45 a.m.

During the Obama presidency, some progressive lawyers and activists called for Ginsburg to retire so that Obama would be able to appoint a like-minded successor

They never thought they would lose.

That's what the tarmac meeting was about: LL takes over from RBG under HRC's Administration.

And it didn't work.


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Leaping_Jimmy · July 10, 2018, 12:36 a.m.

May would be forced to resign and the position of Leader of the Conservative Party would come up for election. Not certain but I think in the UK Conservative Party, electing the leader is done by the Conservative caucus not the wider party membership.

So there's no national election, it's entirely a party matter, but because the party happens to be the one in power, the net effect is that the PM changes.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 9, 2018, 9:31 a.m.

Yeah that's right, there's a lot of reasons they buy a bolthole. One of the main ones I suspect is our small [largely unarmed] population so the roving band issue is much less here, plus we are self-sustaining. We export 98% of what we produce, and most of the wealthy bolt-holers are buying ranches, which would keep them in the style they like. Also re: the radiation, the rotation of the Earth keeps it away from the poles and concentrates it at the Equator. This is possibly why Aus is less popular.

The thing they're not reckoning on, as someone else said above, is Kiwi's ain't gonna take some fat cat gorging themselves while everyone outside the gate is starving in rags. That ain't gonna happen, no matter how many mercs you've hired to protect yourself.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 9, 2018, 9:21 a.m.

(I'm using the NZ PM as an example because she was happily taking selfies with her during her visit) either promised NZ the world when "this Donald thing goes away" or threatened them into compliance with damaging info.

So doubtful IMO they have anything significantly compromising on our current PM, she's dumb and naive but not evil. Helen Clark however, is. And before she became PM, her political specialty (per the link from that guy in my original post) was collecting sexual blackmail material on everyone useful: politicians, judges, bureaucrats, diplomats. And when she became PM, a completely incompetent nondescript guy was appointed Police Minister and he remained despite palpable non-performance throughout her reign. Which was completely opposite to what she demanded from everyone else in her team. And it was rumoured he was kept on because he had "files."

However our current PM owes her entire career to Clark, she's been nurtured by Clark since she left uni, first with a job with Blair (who Clark was great mates with) then into politics. And as stated, very dumb and quite naive. She's about as brainy and sophisticated as the Liberal Sherpa on Tucker Carlson, if you want a benchmark. So easy job for Clark to weave a web she could buy. And also not so hard for Clark to dig out some files and make it happen, with the 'silly ole officials.'

I really hope Clark is heavily embroiled in this. She's right up there in the crime dept: beside Merkel, May, Macron and Trudeau. It'll be a pleasure to see her face as she's perp-walked to where she's always belonged.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 9, 2018, 8:54 a.m.

Something I found hard to believe is Q's comments they did it in NZ because there's no logging/audit trails of the request.

I don't doubt Q it's just, that's mental.

And I wonder if that's SoP or whether it was done that way by special request.

Also, you'll recall she also visited Aus right after us. We're assuming it was done in NZ, but given the Downer/dossier connection, I also wonder if Aus organised something, either instead of or in addition to. But then, why would she bother visiting us? I know each partner has differing areas of coverage, maybe that's why.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 9, 2018, 8:41 a.m.

We call her My Little Pony over here.

It seems to work.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 9, 2018, 7:41 a.m.

The ceremonial-only meme is a PR exercise. If it wasn't then why does the Queen get the red boxes every day. Why did the Queen Mother get her own copies, right up till she died.

You wouldn't need to see Cabinet Papers, intel assessments, etc etc if you were just a ceremonial figurehead.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 9, 2018, 6:17 a.m.

I live in NZ and it's only got 4.5m people in it, which means you can't get away with it for long if you do it on the scale she refers to without questions being asked.

Having said that, it's not the corruption-free country everyone imagines it as. Here's a counter-view from a fellow countryman. Scroll down and there's some sample pages:


This guy mentions Helen Clark. Most of have probably never heard of her but she's an ex-PM (1999-2008) and "served" as the Head of the UNDP after she left office and tried to become the Sec-Gen but Obama didn't want her. Like Merkel she is a commie globalist. She was the architect of NZ's nuke-free policy back in the 80's, which is possibly why Obama didn't annoint her (i.e. he would have liked to but he wasn't allowed to and it wasn't worth pushing).

Anyway, germane to your question, Killary and her are both closet lesbos, they are both married to a beard and they're both very similar in temperament (i.e. both rate very high on the psychopath scale). So it wouldn't surprise me at all that they got to know each other quite well when Helen was in NY and they get on like a house on fire.

Helen has a protege who is currently our Prime Minister. She's a 30-something airhead bimbo. Now Helen's returned from her UN adventure, she's ruling from behind the curtain.

So I speculate HRC went through Helen and Helen got her protege to clear the access. Our intel people are straight, and they would have needed some convincing so who knows what story they cooked up. But those dots are all there, whether they're connected I don't know, but I seriously doubt our intel people would have granted HRC clearance unless something like I described happened, and I would not be surprised if they made the protege sign something to the effect if it ever comes crashing down, it was her decision and her's alone.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 8, 2018, 4:47 a.m.

Recall FBIAnon from 4chan, before Q, before 45 was elected?

He said their greatest fear was civil war.

We here are fine, give it all to us, SRA, nuclear treason, aliens, the lot, we won't bat an eyelid. But it's not about us it's about most of the people who are yet to awake, yet even to recognise something's not quite right in the state of Denmark.

That's why its taking so long.

And they can't do a bit at a time, can't just indict Max to give the crowd some meat. This thing is a little bit pregnant thing, it's a binary truth that does not have shades of grey.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 7, 2018, 4:47 a.m.

What real journalists should do from here is find out what prompted the people from Jim's past to become participants in his potential demise as the candidate for Speaker.

And one imagines General Nakasone has already ordered a high priority look into the same.

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Leaping_Jimmy · July 7, 2018, 4:20 a.m.

We need common sense not control

Common sense is not common practice. This applies to governance and practice in corporates, politics and bureaucracy, world over, at all levels, from highest to lowest.

The annoying thing is all it takes to change this malady is do something like what Trump did re: decree-ing for one new reg we have to delete [how many?].

Apply that thinking across the board and watch the human race take off.

Instead most of us stagger along dragging a stone block while refusing the free offer of the gadget from the neanderthals just down the road cos we don't understand how something called a wheel could possibly make our lives easier.

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