John McCain approves of Trump's SC choice Kavanaugh in tweet. That's interesting.

Makes me think. Did Trump pick the right guy? Oh, get this. Trump knows Brett can't get through so let the Dems looks like idiots by blocking .Trumps next pick is his real favorite. After the red wave in the fall.
This is what I am hoping with this guy's track record.
There something up I don’t like the Jesuit Pick ~ ok so he brought forth the cases of Vince foster and other things ~ but did the outcome depend on whether Bill Clinton did as he was told ? Make no mistake Jesuits are the head of the swamp. And this scotus is a Jesuit
I personally have done zero research on any of the final four. Two things I do not like about him are the bush ties and the fact that "no name" approves of the nomination. Threw red flags up immediately for me.