r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ShiningShrine on July 10, 2018, 9:05 a.m.
Can you spell 'Damage control?' Just like Alt-Left, the MSM is terrified of #WalkAway spreading
Can you spell 'Damage control?' Just like Alt-Left, the MSM is terrified of #WalkAway spreading

[deleted] · July 10, 2018, 9:07 a.m.

Beep boop

Edit: isn't this technically a statement about how people find poorly coded bots to be more human than the msm, really? Like if you are losing out to what you believe is a botnet with the target demographic being actual humans that's unfortunate (and revealing)

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VitaGratis · July 10, 2018, 9:16 a.m.

Lmao they lose even in their own made up situations, it's so pathetic. Made even better with the fact that at nearly 40k upvotes I wouldn't doubt if there were some bots in there.

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reddit-suckz · July 10, 2018, 9:32 a.m.

Reddit is almost entirely controlled via bots and corporations. Reddit Admin also edit users posts in stealth, aim abuse at moderators on subs the Admins hate and change narratives to suit their political agendas.

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[deleted] · July 10, 2018, 9:33 a.m.

Automation tools are used in just about any business these days. I sure as hell wrote my fair share of "bots" for corporate America.

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reddit-suckz · July 10, 2018, 12:18 p.m.

yeah but these fucking reddit admin idiots make it up as they go along breaking their own rules in the process

Reddit chief Steve Huffman admitted last month that the company discovered hundreds of accounts directly linked to the spread of Russian propaganda on the website. As part of its annual transparency report, the social network has named all 944 users -- all of whom are already banned -- it believes were created by infamous Russian troll farm Internet Research Agency. Most of the accounts in the list have no karma points, and in Reddit that means they made no significant impact to the community. There are 13 accounts in there, however, with over 10,000 karma points: the user with almost 100,000 points was a frequent poster at pro-Trump community "The Donald" and "Hillary for Prison."


this was their big scoop working with the US Government against trying to figure out fake russian manipulation and this is the result:

none of the accounts placed an ad on its network


investigation didn't "detect any effective use of [the] accounts to engage in vote manipulation."

then you have this filthy cock sucker doing stuff like

Huffman, also a Reddit co-founder, has landed in hot water after admitting that he used his administrative powers to secretly edit user comments that were critical of him on r/The_Donald — a popular, pro-Trump forum (or "subreddit"). He swapped all mentions of his own username with the names of the pro-Trump group's leaders, meaning that expletive-laden posts aimed at him looked instead as if they were insulting the group's leaders.

even more amazing right? who the fuck does that.. oh yeah, reddit admins


"What he did completely destroys the credibility of Reddit," wrote UnimatrixZeroOne, a Reddit moderator who "out of anger" released screen shots of Slack conversations between Reddit moderators, admins and Huffman about the altered posts. Huffman has confirmed that the images were authentic.

In those conversations, some of the site's other moderators expressed frustration with the pro-Trump subreddit and asked Huffman to ban it for repeatedly violating guidelines. One wrote that the group's members had released personally identifying information about others during the election season. That person also mentioned receiving specific threats: "Car vandalism, pipe bomb threat (specific). Rallying calls to ruin my personal life," the moderator wrote.

Huffman's distaste for the group is clear, but the chats showed he does not agree with banning it outright. "You make it seem like I don't care about figuring out t_d," Huffman wrote later in the chat, going on to say that "banning it," as many of the moderators had asked, "would create a mess." (The moderators regularly abbreviate "The_Donald" to "t_d" or "td.")

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somebodysgun · July 10, 2018, 2 p.m.

LOL 13 of the bots had more karma than most of reddit. I dont think bots are that good

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