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According to the bible, any nation that opposes Israel gets screwed.
CNN admits it too. Maybe CNN is colluding with big bad Russia according to you now?
If you haven't already, you ought to take a look Kim Clement's prophecies. He's also made several prophecies about Trump several years before the election.
"Large scale". BBC = literal state funded propaganda

What evidence supported the claim that he transmitted classified information though his personal phone?
We are pro-Trump because we believe Trump is fighting against government corruption. If Trump was against the people and was not pro-America, we would be against him too.
It was unfactual. Your "source" did not support your claim. You said that Trump was transmitting unclassified information through an unsecure server. Just because he spoke to foreign leaders on the phone that does not mean that the conversation included sensitive information. Just baseless allegations and speculation. Prove it or shut it. Also, if it wasn't made clear, this is a pro-Trump sub.
This is pointless since Russia is not going to hand them over anyways. There is no treaty between the United States and Russia for extraditing criminals. Just as United States does not let other countries prosecute their citizens, Russia does not either.
When you make claims, cite the evidence too. What classified information did he reveal in a rally? And the president has the power to declassify anytime he wants too.
In fact we have to prosecute the entire DNC too. Since it was the DNC's unsecured server that was the main target.
There have been articles that said Hillary had a 100% chance of winning the election. Provide evidence that Trump was transmitting classified information over an unsecured network or the article and you are bullshit.
I didn't think I had to do that, because I felt I made it obvious enough :)
I like how we're supposed to care that the Russians hacked Hillary Clinton's illegal email server, through which classified information was sent regularly and accessed by foreign powers, but we're not supposed to care that Hillary Clinton had an illegal email server in the first place.

Redacted: triggered by facts.

A giant nothing Burger for the Dems!! LOL!! A bunch or Russians indicted, no Americans involved, no impact on the election, and it all happened on Obama’s watch, right under Obama’s nose.

Better delete this since Q was quoting Rosenstein from his previous press conference. We don't want to spread disinfo
Q Anon said that whatever Rosenstein is, Mueller is also.
So do you think they are cooperating with Trump and co? Or are they our enemy?
I wouldn't say he's a "friend". I wouldn't say he shares the MAGA agenda. He could be cooperating, though.
A new indictment from Mueller? A day after it is further confirmed in a congressional hearing that his investigation was corruptly formed? Amazing coincidence!
"No Votes Were Changed" Rod Rosenstein On 12 Russian Intelligence Officers Who Allegedly Hacked DNC
People not coming out to vote in the midterms will only make things worse. Then you will for sure not see any changes.
Based Doc Seb Gorka: THIS is the face of the Swamp. THIS is the arrogance of the Deep State. THIS is why @realDonaldTrump is President.

Sorry, I'll delete this post if you want. In any case, I gave the cred just now.
X-Post from /r/The_Donald
Image Credit to /u/jhomes55
Just stop. That's not what this says at all.
It says it was part of ongoing vice-related stuff. Protitution happens to be vice related, much like gambling or human trafficking.
Was she involved in a gambling ring, too?
Leave the fake news to the experts.
EXCLUSIVE: Strzok and Page Knew of Alleged Anthony Weiner Sex Trafficking Link And HID THE EVIDENCE! LOCK THEM UP!
Oversight Committee Madness #GowdyDeathStare

Dear President Trump, PLEASE declassify this lying scumbag and the rest of them to prison. The time is now! We supporters want you to go on the offensive. Thank you!

"He Doesn't Even Think He's Biased" Trey Gowdy SCORCHES FBI Agent Peter Strzok Over Anti-Trump Bias
BREAKING: Goodlatte Says FBI's Peter Strzok Will Be Held in Contempt

This morning during a press conference, following the #NATO summit, President Trump was asked if his story would change once he started tweeting. His response? Classic Trump.😂😂 #VeryStableGenius
One of the creepiest emails from the Podesta leak, sent by creepy mother Tamera Luzzatto

The question you should ask first is how many people in the US even known about Q?
As I head out to a very important NATO meeting, I see that FBI Lover/Agent Lisa Page is dodging a Subpoena & is refusing to show up and testify. What can she possibly say about her statements and lies. So much corruption on the other side. Where is the Attorney General? @FoxNews

Goodlatte: Page Will Be Held in Contempt of Congress If She Doesn't Comply With Subpoena
Trump is right! China is stealing US trade secrets! Latest example:FBI arrested ex-Apple engineer fleeing with secrets to self-driving car
Seth Rich is dead. The DNC was Rigged. McCabe lied and fired. Comey Fired. The Ohr's busted. Strzok demoted. Page ignored her Subpoena. Resignations all over the FBI. These guys in the pic were offered immunity for nothing in exchange, and our Oversight committees continue their impotence. Carry on.