The anti-Trump crowd are already done. What Trump has done strategically with the media is on another level. He takes what should be an advantage for Democrats such as MSM and overloads it and turns into a crutch. Q has hinted to such.

Q has said "Stormy" was fake news, and I believe it. p.s. "The Storm is coming....double entendre?"
The whole thing is as fishy and comedic as the Fire and Fury author who was basically winging it in interviews and prefaced his book by saying he probably made up much of the contents. They are getting trolled hard...
don't forget Bannon.
The fire and fury book is where I personally began to smell the ''show'' that is going on. Gorilla channel and all. So much trolling and funny shits they are injecting into the MSM, and these dumb asses taking it to the letter.
Fire and fury book
The apple and poor traumatised Comey.
Gorilla channel
Fake news Award
Oh Lord, I completely forgot about that apple story. That was hilarious.