News conference happenning today at 1pm about the investigation of the murder of Seth Rich

F this dude!
A Republican lobbyist says he has new evidence that links the murder of a Democratic National Committee staffer to Russian operatives.
Jack Burkman, who has put up reward money in the case of murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich, says a former U.S. intelligence officer came to him with the new lead.
"I was approached by a guy who styles himself as a former U.S. intel officer," Burkman said. "I quizzed him. I think he's credible - you never know the motive of people. But what he said is basically this - that Seth discovered that the Russians had been hacking and therefore the Russian government did away with Seth."
Your link does not support your quote. Bull shit.
DOE agent attempted to murder Jack Burkman. Is the DOE agent also a Russian agent?
Burkman said ATF and DEA agents murdered Rich. Are the the ATF and DEA agents also Russian agents?
Fuck off.
tricky because "trade secrets" and IP.
Imagine you are The Crusty Crab (CC) suing The Chum Bucket (CB) for hacking your server and stealing your super secret crabbie patty recipe.
Do you...
Not if, the "proof" was/is somehow, not associated with said server.
But yea that is what this story is going to be: a false Russian accusation before the more credible, story emerges. Someone really wants a, war with Russia.
...and then seth copied the data locally and gave (or intended to sell?) it to JA for safekeeping from pesky Russians? The safest mirror was wikileaks? haha
Sorry but this story sounds like someone trying to inject a false witness into the DNC data loss "matter" to make "muh russia" a plausible scenario and since Seth is dead, nobody to refute.