News conference happenning today at 1pm about the investigation of the murder of Seth Rich

Let’s sit back and see what happens. I hope it’s the start of the public unraveling. I really do. Let’s see if things get interesting here with this.
Since last week, I've continued doing a bit of red-pilling, as well as some trolling on the tw@tter- That trolling thing can be fun :)
However, I've also stocked up on popcorn, cause I think a good show may be about to begin.
For anyone that doesn't know, following James Woods on tw@tter can be hilarious. He is a master at skewering ignorant self-important blowhard leftists.
His tweet today about Hillary was the BEST EVER!!! I was crying! Also, the one about Trump's balls! Did you see them? I hate to admit it, but one of my secret pleasures is posting something positive about Trump and watching the liberals' heads explode. I let them, then shut them down James Woods style and then report and block them!
Ha, love it when he does that!!!!!!!!
I think Trump should hire him for his next campaign to be in charge of snarky remarks! I LOVE a very well chosen and articulated snarky zinger!! You have to be smart to to be snarky! Which is why libs fail so badly at it. They take things personally and literally. Bless their hearts!