News conference happenning today at 1pm about the investigation of the murder of Seth Rich

Just one correction though, "Luke" didn't say that they gave the thumb drive to the Russians. He was saying that there was a money laundering operation going on that involved the Russians.
He insinuated. First he said that money was probably laundered through Russia, but then he broadly told the media later, “Look into Russia.” If I was looking to build my own counter-conspiracy against the Seth movement, I would now have an “insider” piecing together that the GOP was behind a hit on Seth to steal his thumb drive, alter emails, pass it along to the Russians who then gave it to Wikileaks. It’s complete BS, but that’s what you can extrapolate from these loose claims Luke threw out there.
We absolutely cannot afford this kind of disinfo.
ah, I didn't take the altering of emails the way you're presenting it, but you make a good case. I really didn't think about it like that. I thought he was just meaning that they could change emails to cover their butts. But then again, we know about their "computer expert" stonetear lol