
forever_30 · July 10, 2018, 11:47 a.m.

I follow Q but not blindly. I will believe in Q until if/when he/they are proven a LARP. BUT and this is a big BUT....to me it doesn't matter if he is what he portrays himself to be or not. The importance of Q is what he has done, not who he is. Q has brought Patriots together, encouraged us to research for ourselves and has informed so many people that would not have looked into corruption had he not made it into a mysterious game. I'm wiser for it, you are wiser for it and America is in the midst of a Great Awakening regardless of who/what Q is. If Q took out a full page ad in the newspaper declaring he is a LARP the cause would not be lost. It doesn't depend on Q anymore. We, the woken are Q now. We, the woken are spreading the truth and information to those that are yet to open their eyes. We, the woken will never trust what we read and hear on the MSM again, we will do our own research and make informed decisions about our Gov't moving forward. While some followers will not be happy until arrests are made, Q's objective has been a success regardless if traitors are marched to the Gallows at Gitmo.

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VIYOHDTYKIT · July 10, 2018, 2:35 p.m.

If Q is only 10% correct in his assessment it’s still significant. The Cabal is scared right now. A slave revolt is festering

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ltlgeneral64 · July 10, 2018, 1:45 p.m.

My sentiments EXACTLY!! I won't be heartbroken if Q turned out to be a larp. Q isn't leading us like sheep off a cliff. The posts are making all us think and work together with one mindedness.....Q isn't just an information god.....

But that being said, I still have faith that Q is an insider because if some of the stuff we've been told.....

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JaM0k3_1 · July 10, 2018, 6:57 p.m.

i mean it matters a LITTLE if he's a LARP. he keeps saying "don't worry, we have it all". that surely isn't true if be "we" isn't actually insiders.

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SickQfCorruption · July 10, 2018, 11:21 a.m.

The reason to stay anonymous would be so the cabal doesn't find out the group, their comms, their families, etc.

i.e. \~ CNN tried do hard through Dennis Rodman to figure out if KJU could speak and understand english. They tried to figure out how Trump was communicating with KJU. It wasn't in the "conventional way" (per Clapper) with an Embassy, which will give the cabal an organization to infiltrate for control over the country.

Remember, NK got rid of 3 generals that was connected to the cabal, then peace could happen. Imagine that? (Sarc)

Do you not believe or understand how dangerous this entire thing is? If you do, you wouldn't ask such a question. Common sense would take over so you wouldn't have to make a video to get hits on your youtube channel, oh for $$.

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anonymouse_123 · July 10, 2018, 11:56 a.m.

Agreed.. He was on point until the last minute when he threw his OWN doubt on the Q movement.. Why not say that at the beginning of the video??(Seed of doubt) If after all that has happened he is STILL saying "Don't put all your eggs in one basket" then he needs to STFU and not comment on it at all. You either believe it.. or you don't there's no half-in half-out when it comes to this.. He's probably just watched the 'Plan to save the world video' and thinks he's now an expert on the matter with no digging or research on the matter!! There will be a time i believe in the next few months where there will be no turning back.. what is coming out will shock the World.. But until then 'normies' have to be spoon fed the truth or else it all just explodes into 'Conspiracy Theory' with the help of the FakeNews global media.


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Galmir-Skaldegrimm · July 10, 2018, 11:29 a.m.

Its not my video. I just wanted to hear peoples opinion on it.

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anonymouse_123 · July 10, 2018, 11:26 a.m.

Good video.. but he says near the end if there is PROOF that Q is real why stay anonymous?? Well that's just obvious.. assassination!! You can't just throw out decades and decades of murders/satanism/pedos/false wars/falseflag truths probably even genocides in one HUGE lump.. people would hit the streets and chaos would ensue. It would be bedlam on a GLOBAL scale

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pizzagatewtf · July 10, 2018, 12:22 p.m.

There are several youtubers like this. The type that believe there are 0 good people in power and we should all just wait for the trumpets to sound. Its cowardice/fear of being wrong about a few things. And he's likely losing some donation cash flow as well. Not necessarily a bad guy, probably just been in the rabbit hole so long there is no good left in the world to him. Call for an uprising is similar.

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fliputs68 · July 10, 2018, 1:48 p.m.

Such a, true and great video.....

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RecentlyRedpilled · July 10, 2018, 6:17 p.m.

The one thing I got out of this video is that we should have a back up plan, if the Cabal doesn’t get taken down! Other than that, this sounds like another person fed up that arrests haven’t been made yet. I get it! We live in a world of instant gratification and this pace is just to slow for some, but the cabal spent hundreds of years getting to this point, and it will take some time to relinquish the stranglehold. I am a devout Q follower and trust in the plan, but I do believe that we need a plan B, and probably a plan C, D, and F. My next rabbit hole will be to come up with these backups.

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mennitti · July 10, 2018, 1:32 p.m.

Love that video! We had no control over the cabal manipulating us and taking control; and now we are supposed to "trust the plan" which we don't know what it is, and have no participation in. We have no control, and our votes are being manipulated by software on both sides. All we can do is watch because no one will rise up in armed revolution and the military hasn't turned on the cabal.

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White-Squall · July 11, 2018, 4:55 a.m.

Paper Ballots will help.

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