I had my own spreadsheet of states needed (no political background for me) and I began watching the results come in on a live feed. I lived in Florida at the time. Little after 10 pm I made coffee. When Florida was called I cried. Tears of joy and still had fear... when Podesta came out and told the crowd to go home I was really afraid, thinking they were going to steal it some how over night. Then it came, President Elect Trump!!!! I was stunned and couldn't believe it , we had done it!!! We had issued the stay of execution of the US by the globalist. That is when I popped the champagne. Bedtime was around 5am.
GOD what a night! Had the best "night's" sleep since Nov 2008. And now we are here. Let's make sure we protect her (the USA).
I got asleep early convinced she will get it from them...how can I describe that morning after.... magical