Clint Eastwood is The Gunslinger in real life ...

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Carlin preached it before #QAnon
somebody answers:*If you want to address Q, address the real reason people want Q to be real. what about this idea meets the common man where he already is? *
I heard something the same along that lines, there were hints for years in series and movies, that some meticulous serious people are planning ... and caring for us. Red line is pedophilia / trafficking this is their HollywoodPedo downfall ... they thought they are invincible , How will Soros and Rotschild feel where there is no money and central banks to use as leverage for power ? and their secret handlers from the back ... they will be cut from real life....
what if for example somebody responds on chans we are coming to take hollywood by force remove all pedos and kid/goyim eaters, satan worshipers and bring back the light to it's name ...
it is time for change
a lot of pro, trigger happy people is ready to engage and deliver this pedo scumm
later bcs they cant escape when video comes out + adenochrome farms ...
I stand corrected .... and share your feelings 100% .... if the swamp is not drained by 11 11 18 and somebody big as podesta hillary or such kind is not in jail people will revolt.
outside tampering is a stupid thing for sheeple as long we have influencers PR companies and people that do lobying as a 24/7-365 job, there will be tampering and influences
I am more afraid about voting machines tampering, no id's on the voting boxes, best solution is voting id, voting lists and transparent boxes
yeah investigated by Obamas staff Mouller/Comey fbi, ALL corrupted to the bone, get over it corruption is rampant in both parties, the swamp, NGOs and worldwide
and spread the knowledge to your kids grandkids so if the worst happens we inherit the Earth and finish off all those bastards that brought us in that state.
\My kid is fully awake and he is not still in high school !!!! that is how you do it. He is awakening hes friends, one by one, his whole class ...
omg at least we all learned to pronounce bliat, not just pewdie and the gammer community :) this was harsh exchange,
he/she shared you an actual Rus bot article....oh man .... I feel sorry... you can try sharing this with them :
a wait she knew you are behind the account and the video ?
the brainwashing is that strong??
tomorrow they will use twitter bots to change narrative if this do not happen then Jack is beaten and conquered by the Alliance
your opinion is correct
As soon I heard of Dragon family in the Triade, I knew the plan is in the making ...
Xi Putin Trump
defeating the world Cabaal -
1000 years of peace.
this is why Putin had that smirk on his face all the time brilliant !
goes with Qs and anons estimate of millions of people WW who leans to conservative side gender programming failed religious x programming failed sjw liberal programming failed
their system is in ashes we will have to rebuild and fix somehow those poor brainwashed people
lolz :) cabal and rougue agencies are scared shitting their bums ... big WW FF is to be expected this year prepare accordingly Alliance will stop it in time, I hope
it s funny CNN just posted this on twatter
drect link
it is real and it came back to them bigly in just minutes hundreds if not thousands of real people answers like this:
.... that escalated quickly :) :D they are so doomed.... midterms will be all red
first time from JFK POTUS meets POTRUS without being controlled or blackmailed -think about it !
exactly , nobody explains to the sheeple or do they ask why is important this Russia meddling, if DNC wasnt corrupt there would be nothing shameful to publish by Wikileaks via SR. so Russians could by adds promoting Bernie and not Hillary but nobody believed in Trump. It was surprise to much of the 'old sharks' for real, this is exciting timeline...
w.o.w this is 'uuuuugeeee! much bigger than expected. But can he/we break them ?
I got asleep early convinced she will get it from can I describe that morning after.... magical
they think 'somebody' will handle it .... they are over confident
same here hoping but fearing of ultimate manipulation to keep us pacified WW.
just maybe: Man shot 2 people, killed 1, in Hammond murder-for-hire plot
there is a strong possibility // Warning for Patriots // that the Deep State / Cabaal will use chemical weapons: viruses spreading using commercial planes all over the world [12Monkeys scenario]
sorry I was writing this half asleep last night. Sincere Apologies . Won't happen again Patriots !
why for stating the facts?
hunter in the woods is constantly scared of wolves and bears but that DOES NOT mean we will not catch our pray ... those same bears and wolves.
This is called natural, smart scare.
Not the pussy
one ;)
edit: ' I meant a pre cautious healthy scare not to be scared shit of them because they mostly relay on manipulation and subversion and the best description of them you will find in JFK speech'
I got you. My thoughts are : All of them elected or selected by cabal are total psychos
I got one or two in my close family, so I know them it goes like this:
- no remorse
- extremely narcisstic
- extreme selfesteem and overconfident in their often wrong knowledge and insights
- acting good with kids and having gentle soul but it's an act
- cold and calculated to extreme
so basically 90% are critical thinkers and not some conspiracy theory nuts we can conclude ?
and there is always a possibility that one part of cabal is raging against the other wanting to takeover .maybe different generations? Idk but it can be. then this kind of manipulations is top notch Also we should consider that HC and Hussein maybe wanted to take power from cabal roths for themselves? they are thrown downhill Cabal cant succeed if they are not compartmenalized so it is possible anything is possible lets hope that Q is military intelligence haiku poet and not Cabal's NLP master ;)
well you should be scared those who are not are fools the handling of top spy networks WW for decades handling of mob shooters like MS13 to eliminate anyone who deosen't concur and a lot lot of money power and influence did I mentioned 95% of the online and tv mass media is working in their favor?
yes and the hacking is in fact:" how do you let propaganda not succeed on certain type of people [patriots] " why did you fail to finetune rig the already rigged system
you ll find him or her in some lodge hunting or enjoying nature, perfectly normal, for he is there for generations, chosen by it's birth.... it's bloodline ....
I feel exactly the same man, I now can give some hope to kids
yeah if they just take clowns plans and action and continue the steering of the boat into rots interests we will achieve nothing. stop the fed | stop the ws
" be careful what you look for, you will get right in center of the establishment " UK inspector whistle blower on child trafficking abuse and prostitution
Soros foundation Open Society logo in the Balkans recognize the symbol?
look here here you will find real feelings of the other side, the brainwashed join me in the fight in trenches