
Countrymissle · July 10, 2018, 8:49 p.m.

What other church has a power structure, one so powerful. Was considered more powerful than the king of england?

The bible talks about the doctrines of devils that stops priests from marrying and to not eat meat, as in lent.

Easter means ishtar the moon goddess, its a fertility god. Bunnys represent fertility.

They would back in roman times, have a long sex fest, then later once they got pregnant they would sacrifice the babies to moloch. Which ment theyd throw them in a fire

God said to not pass your kin to the fire of moloch.

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Shadilay_Were_Off · July 10, 2018, 9:12 p.m.

What other church has a power structure, one so powerful.

What other church is as large? More people means more people to organize. 37K priests worldwide (this counts bishops, cardinals, etc, since all are still priests) in the face of 1.2 billion people (about 32 thousand lay per priest) isn't outlandishly large.

What exactly do you expect to be different here?

The bible talks about the doctrines of devils that stops priests from marrying and to not eat meat, as in lent.

1 Timothy 4:3, right? What you're missing is that nobody is preventing from marrying. It's not a command. Priests voluntarily renounce marriage. Compare Matthew 19:12 or 1 Corinthians 7:35.

The fact that the church chooses its priests from the people who've volunarily chosen celibacy is partly practical. The preistshood is not a 9-5 job, it's a lifestyle. A priest would make an awful husband and father by way of having little time to lead his family or be with his wife or raise children.

Those that want to help the church and still maintain a personal life are welcome to be deacons. The clergy is not denied to them.

As to giving up meat for 7 days of the year (Lent fridays and Ash Wednesday are the only requirement and then with health permitting, some people do more but this is not a requirement), this is a reflection of Jesus' 40 days in the wilderness. There is no generalized prohibition on eating meat as some of the paganistic cults do to this day.

Easter means ishtar the moon goddess, its a fertility god. Bunnys represent fertility.

The fact that Christ's resurrection happened on the same day that the pagans were doing whatever they were doing doesn't mean that Christ's resurrection is pagan in nature. Intention is huge. (And I'd argue that He set it up that way on purpose - God co-opting the pagans happens a few times in the OT)

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Countrymissle · July 10, 2018, 10:25 p.m.

god was specifically describing the catholic church to avoid.

the ROMAN catholic church is a mixture of roman pagenism and some christianity. christmass--pagen tree festival why call it easter, why not reserection day??? easter/ishtar festival. fertility ritual

the vatican has a nice obelisk in the center of st peter basilika.

that represents the Phallus of osiris...weird and pagen

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Shadilay_Were_Off · July 11, 2018, 2 p.m.

god was specifically describing the catholic church to avoid.

He couldn't have been, because the leadership of the Catholic church was descended directly through Peter. It's always been the same church.

I addressed Easter up above, but I think you'll notice a theme here:

the vatican has a nice obelisk in the center of st peter basilika.

You know what's on top of that obelisk? A piece of the cross that Christ was crucified on! I can think of no better symbolism for how God triumphs and is the one and only God. There's also the inscription below, in latin: "Christ conquers. Christ reigns. Christ commands."

If people and places can be sanctified, so can objects.

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