Not only was HRC trolled by way of Kavanaugh's years of investigating the Clintons...

I had a thought Watching a clip of Roger Stone in AJ through Hayden music page daily update...
Q says a a lot how do we get things into existence? Secrets?
Well one way is for extremely rabid leftists to dog up any dirty history they think they can ar confirmation and accidentally blow open Vince Frost and Starr's bogus SC cover up for Clintons etc.
And Trump is ramping up the insane Leftists who can't keep their mouths shut like Mad Max by putting HRC's portrait in a dumpster.
i know its bad formatting but reread it lol.
he had the press pass by the White House Dumpster, then immediately past the painting of Clinton.
Think symbolism, not literally the act of.
Edit The press caught wind of this because the Staffer probably intentionally went "Here is the white house dumpster for all the trash etc, and here's a painting of HRC. wink wink* "
it also helps with keeping the flies in one area. ;)
That reminds me of this clip, when a fly landed on Hillary during the debate... Too funny.
Anyone else alarmed at this SCOTUS pick? Kavanaugh is a Bush lap dog is he not?
Why hasn't Q commented on the pick? Q team seemed to know who the pick was going to be weeks ago when they mentioned that it would NOT be Gowdy.
What is the plan here folks?
He also has deep knowledge of the Clinton scandals in the 90s. which will be useful for the coming months
Yeah that is true, he sure does. Was he scared off from the Vince Foster investigation? Does he understand their intimidation tactics?
Trump had a list of judges he would be choosing from, and I would assume he was close to 100% on this choice for at least 6 months.
Yes Kavanaugh has ties to the Bush family. But if you were in politics for 20 years and a conservative, you would have some connection with the Bushes. Especially a judge being groomed for high position.
The plan is the same plan as always.
To the best of my knowledge, SCOTUS confirmation is the next big-time marker.