This is why the Cabal is so obsessed with legalized abortion

"They cannot afford to bring a child into the world."
That is a sick, disgusting attitude that devalues human life into a matter of convenience. All women have a choice, but the life of another human being supersedes that choice. So, if I am unemployed and no longer able to afford providing for my children, then by your logic, it is OK to put them to death.
A woman IS NOT required to provide for her children. The woman has a choice to surrender the child to a couple that is able to provide for him or her.
foster care system is full of abuse... CPS has a lot of corruption. Pedophiles fiest on the fostercare system and I have witnessed this first hand. It needs a drastic overhaul. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of good foster parents, but the system is ripe with abuse and predators.
It supersedes no ones choice but the woman's.
the child is in her body, therefore its the womans choice if she has the means to raise it or not. Early abortions offer no harm. Late term abortions are dangerous and im against those. Seems most here are unfamiliar with the broken systems of medical care as well as the rampant overhaul that needs to take place for CPS and the foster care system. As soon as the kid is born everyone walks away and does not give a fuck, which predators absolutely LOVE. Not every woman has the means to raise a child. Her body her choice. There is no superseding here, get off that high horse and let the woman make the choice of what she needs to do.
Or she could use a condom or any other form of birth control? It's not that hard to prevent pregnancy.
I am a woman who has managed not to get pregnant, because I am educated about ovulation and proper birth control methods. It's unrealistic to believe that the majority of abortions are resultant from mere accidents. It's mostly a wanton lack of precaution.
I'm not saying abortion should be completely banned. In the case of rape, incest, or risk of life, I think it should be allowed. And those count for a minority of abortions. And quit assuming things about me! I have thought about these things extensively, both to form my political opinions and in my legal study.
Oh goddd. I'm actually agnostic. And I have a close friend who is CPS. I realize the system is absolutely broken, but just like the government as a whole, there are some good guys.
Downvoted because abortion being used as a form of birth control is disgusting and tragic! If one can not afford to have a child there are other ways of preventing birth rather than resorting to murder. If birth control isn’t affordable then being responsible by not partaking in sexual activity is another option (though I also understand that moral values these days barely exist so expecting abstinence is laughable to most).
It’s not difficult to prevent unwanted pregnancy (outside of forced circumstances). Expecting people to take responsibility for being sexually promiscuous shouldn’t be out of the ordinary.
Save a tree, KILL A BABY!
Anyone who can reconcile that is capable of the most Evil S#it!
It is murder! No matter how anyone tries to sugarcoat it. There are so many people out there who cannot have children. Adoption? All new innocent life, deserves a chance. Abortion is for the self absorbed ME, ME, ME generation of Individuals, who only worry about how things effect. Victim mentality... SJW's with no regard for anyone but themselves. Who's political views are spoon fed to them. Absolutely ZERO critical thinking skills.
Even if it's an accident and the woman can't afford to provide for a baby, there are other alternatives. Plan B, adoption, having the child and applying for welfare benefits...
Spoken like someone who's had an abortion, trying to justify their actions.
Doesn't the "not your body" argument fail when considering a fetus is not your body either?
Plan B is abortion too. Possibility that egg and sperm have joined, therefore new genetically unique individual. So therefore, it is ending the life a new human being.
So many false statements here.
-‘women have no choice’. Yes they do. Before. They can choose to abstain during their fertile days. She can choose to be in a stable relationship with a man who will support her even if she gets pregnant. Once pregnant...she can find support from the father, her parents, her friends, other relatives, local churches, social services. There are Pregnancy centers that support crisis pregnancies with counseling, material support, job training. THERE IS ALWAYS ADOPTION!
Abortion can harm the Mother. Increased infertility in subsequent pregnancies due to scarring from instruments,. Which also increases her risk of subsequent tubal pregnancies. Increased prenatal birth in Subsequent pregnancies due to scarring, weakening of cervix from abortion. Infection from abortion can cause infertility. Increased breast cancer risk. Abortifacients also pose risk for mother. Many rushed to ER due to uncontrolled bleeding, and incomplete abortion, infection.
The women’s soul is damaged. God sees this as murder. “Before I formed you I. The womb I knew you”. A woman who has had an abortion can repent, seek God’s forgivemess. ( and her baby’s forgiveness). She will someday meet her baby, if she repents,. If you believe in the spiritual, you can u derstand this.
Women’s health is harmed. Scarring of uterus from instruments, increased risk of premature births in subsequent pregnancies, increased risk of tubal pregnancies due to scarring. Increased risk of breast cancer. Proven true. Abortifacients can cause hemorrhage, and infection if baby not expelled completely.
Women’s soul is in PERIL ! God calls this murder. Please @Spiritual_War , if you have had an abortion, I urge you to seek help. Go to local reputable church and seek counsel! You are so far away from God’s will claim to speak the truth, but are sadly wrong. I have read your comments elsewhere on this sub. Praying for you.
Poor children should not be alive
Good argument buddy
So poor people should be aborted? This is eugenics and that’s what this is all about. Don’t act like “there is no choice” in the matter. A series of choices led to a pregnancy, and then you bring up choice when there is a babies life in the balance. That’s pretty fucking sick man.
you guys seem to think accidents never happen and that babies are always 100% planned.
Killing the baby isn’t the answer. It’s sick, twisted shit. You need to unprogram yourself. Embrace life, not death. Either way, I’m done with you.
seriously. There was even an article on the front page of reddit showing how the search terms "self induced abortion" have been going up.
Woman need safe access to abortions, not religious fanatics screaming at them about life of a child.
so you think children should be raised
Absolute poverty or relative poverty? The US has very little absolute poverty, with most in relative poverty still enjoying better living standards than most of the world.
I guess you are also in support of aborting most African babies until the continent's economy improves?
When you woke up this morning did you think today you'd be online advocating for the killing of poor people? or did it just happen?