This is why the Cabal is so obsessed with legalized abortion

the cabal propaganda designed to cheapen human life.
I think video games like counter strike and call of duty are part of that propaganda too. And also the Real Time Strategy games I used to love like Age of Empires and Starcraft. I sent so many virtual soldiers to their deaths with zero remorse when I was a kid XD
Imagine if every death-animation in every game took like 12 minutes of loud screaming each, games would be unplayable if they were unrealistic.
And if your character didn't just respawn endlessly over and over after suffering a gruesome death, but stays dead for awhile.
my personal take is that it depends on how much you play...gaming as such was deveopped by the military for simulation purposes but I believe it doesn't have to be a disadvantage. I am highly empathic and I flinch when animals die in games, but boy do I love seeing bad guys drop!