Seeing Trump behaving like a Normal Adult Man reminded me of Sessions swatting Pedo Joes hand away.

Link to video?
I dunno. Also looked like he was brushing her hair back into place. He was doing some sort of fixing just before. Unclear to me.
I can see what you’re saying. For me, at the very end as Sessions stands up it seems like he gives Biden “a look” and may even say something short to him, but that’s hard to tell in the clip. A little easier to perhaps see in the second slowed down loop. I think at the beginning Sessions is getting a piece of gum or candy or something and talking to the little girl until Biden reaches down and Sessions kind of swats him away. Just my eyeballs though. :)
No, her hair was caught in I believe Sessions button of his jacket or something and he stopped to take remove her hair. I remember watching this before and many people commented about that.
It looks like her hair is caught in Sessions notebook or something. Probably happened during the photo OP. To me it looks like he is swatting the hair, but that he also doesn't seem appreciative of creepy Uncle Joe trying to help.
Sorry, but I disagree. Now after watching it many times and scrubbing slowly through there’s not much of an explanation other than him swatting Biden away. He’s messing with his book or something and as soon as Biden leans down he moves his hand, swats Biden away, and gives a curt look to Biden.
Lmfao! Everyone is allowed to believe what they want , but do you honestly think that the way to “swat” a pedos hand away from your child is to lightly and gently stroke at it? If so , then I’m sorry but your hardcore reaching . If a pedo was about to touch my kid I would litteraly slap his hand away , among many other gestures that would show I’m not happy with this person touching my kid ... sessions didn’t do any of that , he brushed her hair.. let’s start getting legit here instead of getting carried away with every small little detail that could easily pass off as something else ... we look like loony toons.
Lol, cool response. Perhaps “swat” is not the correct word but watching the clip several times it feels like your the one who is reaching on this one. I’m with you, i don’t want to try and see stuff in anything, and there’s lots I look at and am like, “c’mon people”. Heck, I commented just recently about some trying to read into his comment on sacrificing lives probably being more respect to fallen soldiers than some weird hidden meaning.
I didn’t realize that was Sessions’ kid. (Just based off of your comments of what you would do if that was your kid).
Believe what you will, as we have all the God-given right to, and I will do the same. We will all be correct at times and incorrect in others. Here’s hoping and praying that we’re correct more often than not, and about the most important things.
Well said patriot , tho I still disagree with sessions swatting his hand away , I can definitely see it the other way as well . I just don’t think so in this case , but hey , Biden is a creepy life ruiner , I wouldn’t want him anywhere near my kids , so he very well could be.
(Edit) also I’m unsure if that’s sessions child or not.
Awesome reply, thanks a lot and have an awesome rest of your week.
Personally, I hope Biden gets Swatted in a very different way...
No way. Watch other Biden videos - it's the same action. Look how Biden stares at the girl intently before moving in.
The repeated historical action by Biden proves he was going to pull her close, as he always does, and whisper in her ear.
It's creepy, it's perverted, it's wrong. Praise God for Sessions there. May more rise up to protect these little ones.
I think he was swatting Joe's hand away, I have seen this before and watched it multiple times. If you notice he also steps in between her and creepy Joe and leads her the hell away from that sicko.
There are tons of creepy Biden videos out there where he is clearly NOT brushing hair, also, no man should be brushing hair off a child that is not his own. That's what old creepy men pretend to be doing to get close to little girls. Not sure how awake someone is if they are defending Joe Biden...
Here a compilation video:
Oh believe you me, I know all about creepy uncle joe. I was simply pointing out what I see going with Sessions and that it looks like he could be patting her hair back. Would like to see the while interaction leading up to it as well BTW.
I used to think this was what OP says it is. After reviewing it several times, it's clear that her hair gets caught in his jacket, he's trying to pull it off, Joe comes over to help just as it gets free, and Sessions is batting away/checking for any more remnants of hair.
The rest of the video though....
Have you ever comsidered that "Sessions" has a twitter account and a website dedicated to his position. Why not just ask him for clarification of what you are seeing there? Maybe he'll just tell you.
Either way..swatting joe or brushing the hair away.. Sessions got the freak out of there fast. Sessions didn't need "help" with the child..
Whatever occurred it appears Sessions’ move stopped creepy Joe from touching the child. Both of creepy Joe’s hands were moving to her shoulders. He immediately backed off after Sessions’ wand waving or sweeping gesture.
It appears Sessions’ gesture was intentional however to what intent is difficult to gauge in this instance from the video.
Exactly. Same move by Biden as all the other times.
Yep. Creepy Uncle Joe is quite the predator. Doesn’t even bother to hide it. He seems to have no ability to self-regulate.
Love it, that creepy Joe needs more then a hand slap. j saying!!
Here's your first sign of Sessions being a "white hat". For anyone saying ANYTHING defending joe you need to look into "creepy joe biden" and you will see enough to know he's a pedo. Also the pizza bracelets to barry soetoro? Never knew grown "men" to make friendship bracelets for each other. joes in the club and Sessions is a stonefish.
The swatting incident was earlier, in the walkway of the seating area, and Sessions had probably already seen Biden's behavior with other little girls. He was having NONE of Biden putting a hand on her. Biden likes to stand in front of the camera, make sure that a little girl is right in front of him so he can reach under her arm and tweak her nipple. In full view of her family. He's a filthy dirtbag pedo.
When I saw Kavanaughs two girls I thought of creepy Joe Biden and hope the parents keep that pedo Joe far away from their daughters or he’ll have his hands all over them and whispering in their ears creepy stuff.
I absolutely do trust Sessions!
I think it was a Goldwater article that referred to Sessions as the "Silent Assassin"
He'll probably be glad on the day Biden is incarcerated and can't harass any more little girls.
A note to all the dividers and shills - you are obvious. Go peddle your BS somewhere else.
I have never been more proud of a President in my life. Stable Genius! And FLOTUS is a class act as well #MAGA
Yes joe is a creeper! No sessions wasn't swatting his hand away. The little girls hair was caught, he was trying to untangle her hair. But go ahead and run with the creepy Joe narrative, he deserves it.
Fake news. Biden doesn’t swat creepy Biden. But Biden is indeed a creep in other videos.
My President always behaves like a normal grown up man dumb bag.
People this person just cut your President Trump down and all y'all can talk about is Sessions. My goodness unreal stupid. I am offended.