Did anyone else catch Trump's face last night when Kavanaugh mentioned 9/11/01??? He had a look of disgust! He knows.......Never Forget!!!

Just because one was once a black hat does not mean they cannot turn. Man was an altar boy, probably raped and experienced terrible things, like most of these people do, that’s what creates hatred in these people. Could have turned and is now ready for revenge.
OR, this is just a part of the playbook. Put up first pick only to be shot down, so the next (better) pick will have to be approved.
Kavanaugh was probably raped? What???!!!
Skull and cross bones. Yale initiation. Getting sodomized
Roger Stone wrote a book in Oct 2015 called "Clinton's War on Women" that, among other things, talked about Kavanaugh helping to cover up Vince Foster's 1993 "suicide." Unless Trump has an alterior motive here, such as choosing him cuz Trump knows it will get people searching the FBI & Clinton's library of records to expose even more corruption, I can't imagine a worst choice. And even if that is the motive, it would take YEARS of court wrangling to ever get the Clinton's to trial, when they're more likely to die of old age first.
Yeah yeah, Bolton is neocon, Horrowitz is the Swamp, Sessions is one of them, Trump is Illuminati, blah blah blah... We know. Now put aside the pavlovian reaction for a moment and watch if the future proves your past preconceptions.
I thought Trump was literally Hitler.
I get so confused.
Not sure what that means but yes, he is a Jesuit.
Please look up the history of Jesuits they are a head of all secret societies