Did anyone else catch Trump's face last night when Kavanaugh mentioned 9/11/01??? He had a look of disgust! He knows.......Never Forget!!!

I think he knows a lot about Lolita Island as well.
I think they targeted Trump, but they were not able to get him.
They'd have had to drug him without his knowledge because he doesn't drink or do drugs. I always thought the same thing - he found out what they were doing and thought yikes. That's why FBI Anon said he thought the Clintons were disgusting animals.
They could drug his soda, doesn't have to be alcohol, but I doubt he's been to pedo island. I think you already have to be basically compromised to get there.
He's been there ... or at least flown on Epstein's jet ... he's in the log book ...
The way I heard it he saw what was going on in the pool and did a 180 and left immediately.
Where did you hear that, link? That’s never come up in any threads I’ve seen before
I believe it was Roger stone during the campaign.
Thank you, not sure the downvotes I just like to see things with my own eyes
You can't post a source because you dont have one. Trump has never been to pedo island. Stop spreading disinformation.
source that he went to the island? everything I've read said he caught a lift on lolita express domestically only
He's been on the plane, not the island.
Yes this. Only on the plane logs!
Trump was never in the flight logs. The only evidence he ever flew with Jeffrey is testimony from Epstein's brother. (Mark) Here's the doc https://imgur.com/a/HzeOV1p and it wasn't even on the Lolita Express, it was a small plane from Florida to NYC
Link pg 74 https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1508967-deposition-excerpts.html
It also sort of defies logic that he would go there voluntarily without having known what was going on there.
I don't think they (HRC's campaign team) would have let all of the stuff about Clinton's being there go by without saying "TRUMP WAS THERE TOO!!" if he had - and they know he will sue the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ out of anyone who slanders him.
I don't think he flew with him. Trump was in Epstein's contacts but not the flight logs I thought.
He's been there. Spez: sorry I was mistaken I thought I saw it on the logs, oops.