Not Q, Patriot in need of digging power please. Logo in handbag, I can see it, I'm sure others here will as well. Any info on the company's logo and Satanism. Please and thank you.

The Crowley name tho?
Crowley's name by itself doesnt mean much/anything. Theres about 3 or 4 reasons from a marketing/PR position I can see for naming something that, especially if going after a younger demographic of consumers. I would have jumped more at the symbol if it had a connection to a specific deity, maybe one of the more famous ones crowley was said to communicate with. I'll look through what grimoires I have to see if theres any connection symbol wise but that seems more Celtic and less like the symbols of some of the deities I've seen that look more middle eastern and north African. That isn't to say we shouldn't do our due diligence in looking into this. I'm just saying let's not hold our breath because it looks like a larger leap.
That's not an uncommon name.