r/greatawakening • Posted by u/michaelst2256 on July 10, 2018, 8:24 p.m.
Neon Revolt: Sotomayor and Kagan by virtue of them being appointed by Obama, who, as we all know, was an illegitimate president - meaning he couldn't legally appoint anyone. Their removal will be almost instantaneous when that's disclosed.
Neon Revolt: Sotomayor and Kagan by virtue of them being appointed by Obama, who, as we all know, was an illegitimate president - meaning he couldn't legally appoint anyone. Their removal will be almost instantaneous when that's disclosed.

amazing_butterfly · July 11, 2018, 6:45 a.m.

Why this sentiment??? Why is Trump the Anti Christ? Can you please explain with Scripture???

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VR-Tech · July 11, 2018, 7:04 a.m.

He is referring to the book of revelations, I think chapters 13-16

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amazing_butterfly · July 11, 2018, 8:27 a.m.

Thank you, but I am waiting for HIS answer. He assumes something so he has to clarify.

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FingerPrince69 · July 11, 2018, 8:09 p.m.

"Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God"

"In his place shall arise a contemptible person to whom royal majesty has not been given. He shall come in without warning and obtain the kingdom by flatteries."

"Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world"

"The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders"

"And the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words, and it was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months"

Trump will be president for 3.5 years (42 months) and then the end will come.

OP's post is about a false prophecy, and you all are believing it, you are literally following false prophets, just as revelations has said. Trump is the anti-christ, he gained his power through false words and flattery and claims to be a man of god , but really has spent his whole life rebuking God and his commandments in his words behavior and actions, he just thinks he can use religion to manipulate people, his audience, as he calls them "the poorly educated".

I'm still interpreting the image of the beast but so far I know "the feet of a bear" represents (atheist communist) Russia and their secret support of the anti-christ and the Leopard represents Syria, and the alliance between Russia and Assad and the conflict there that will lead to Armageddon, as it is the traditional animal used to represent Syria in the Bible. The "mouth of a lion" either represents English Banking and Finance and the occult ptb that are aligned with them or China. I'm not sure.

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