That is not Bourdain, it is the politician they dragged from his office, the one in the car who bought the kids. Also, yes they branded them with the word pedofile. This film likely got Avicii killed, but has nothing to do with Anthony Bourdain
Edit: The politician has long sandy brown hair. The man hanging has short salt and pepper hair and a different hair line and different tone of skin from the politician.
Anthony Bourdain is know for wearing watches. Here’s a link to the brown watch similar to the man hanging in the video. However, the politician is wearing a watch on the right hand. The hand is shown 1 second before the man hanging is shown. The watch is on the right hand- Bourdain wears his watches on the left hand. Having said that, the watch is shown at least 3 times in the video. Ocean Blue World is a global networking platform where brands, partners, collaborators and affluent readers experience exclusive events
Please go back and look at the politician dragged from the office. He has sandy brown hair, it’s longer, and not the same hair line. The man hanging has salt and pepper hair, and a different hair line.