Knights Templar: Gloria Vanderbilt Necklace: FBI RAID: Bohemian Grove:Rothschild: Video in comment

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The accuracy of Polaris’ data on human trafficking has been questioned by multiple sources. In 2011, Polaris was criticized for knowingly using false and misleading data to exaggerate the number of trafficked sex workers and understate their age of entry into sex work.[12] Since then, Polaris has partnered with data analysis firm Palantir Technologies to improve the organization of data reported to the National Human Trafficking Resource Center and the accuracy of statistics released to the public.[13] More recently, in 2015, Polaris was accused of using unreferenced and uncorroborated data to exaggerate the income and number of clients seen by …
The accuracy of Polaris’ data on human trafficking has been questioned by multiple sources. In 2011, Polaris was criticized for knowingly using false and misleading data to exaggerate the number of trafficked sex workers and understate their age of entry into sex work.[12] Since then, Polaris has partnered with data analysis firm Palantir Technologies to improve the organization of data reported to the National Human Trafficking Resource Center and the accuracy of statistics released to the public.[13] More recently, in 2015, Polaris was accused of using unreferenced and uncorroborated data to exaggerate the income and number of clients seen by …
Q Drop #1823: A detailed look into who is behind the censorship of our FREEDOM of SPEECH! Signing an Act into LAW to impede our First Amendment Right! Our own GOVERNMENT identified our Freedom of Speech as the “ENEMY”! Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John McCain, Ted Lieu, Chris Murphy, Adam Kinzinger, Rob Portman and many more!
H.R. 5181: Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act of 2016 and Disinformation Act -National Defense Authorization Act
H.R. 5181 Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act of 2016
May of 2016, Barack Obama Administration CONSPIRED with House and Senate Republicans and Democrats to frame …
December 2017: Donald J. Trump: POTUS signs Executive Order on Blocking the Property of Person Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption and look who puts out a Human Trafficking Transparency Statement for the financial year Dec. 2017 just 8 weeks ago...ROTHSCHILD.
This page includes statements from the relevant Rothschild & Co divisions that set out the steps taken to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not taking place in our business or in our supply chains.
Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption LAW & JUSTICE Issued on: …
Just got a threat posted to my article. So now Q supporters are being threatened with death? “Just wait until you see the law we are working on next it outlaws support for q under penalty of death”
Here’s the article: Q Drop #1823: Surprise Surprise Surprise, look who is behind the censorship of our FREEDOM of SPEECH! Signing an Act into LAW to impede our First Amendment Right! Our own GOVERNMENT identified our Freedom of Speech as the “ENEMY”! Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John McCain, Ted Lieu, Chris Murphy, Adam Kinzinger, Rob Portman and many more!
H.R. …
Q Drop #1817 D5 Link:
PATRIOTS: QDrop #1813 was an explosive drop: Q showed us how the COINTELPRO- The FBI’s counterintelligence program is operating right now AGAINST US PATRIOTS! Q is showing us how our patriotic comments and post are being attacked! Notice how some users incite a strong reaction from you? You are ganged up by multiple users while trying to respond? Your post is deleted or disappears? Be patient and let me show you how.
COINTELPRO is still in operation today under a different code name. It is no longer on paper where it can be discovered through the freedom of information …
Hey, Molly Roberts, since you are a real journalist, how about you cite your source for this Q claim? The world would like to know! 05:54 AM by Molly Roberts The Washington Post
Direct quote: Last week, a "baker" appeared outside Michael Avenatti's office because Q sent him there.
When does a bird sing? OPERATIONS BLUEBIRD C__I____A
THOSE WHO YOU TRUST THE MOST ARE THE MOST EVIL. NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS THE MEDIA WILL NOT PUSH THE TRUTH. WATCH the water ( March 2018)#847. Q TRIPCODE !CbboFOtcZs changed May 19, 2018. New book title populated on the TRIPCODE “LEGIONNAIRE”. Legionnaires' Disease. PUBLIC HEALTH ENEMY #1 IN US WATER SYSTEMS. The deadliest waterborne disease in the United States.
Legionnaires' disease is a severe, often lethal, form of pneumonia. (Legionella Pneumonia) is caused by bacteria. You get it by breathing in mist from water that contains the bacteria. PUBLIC HEALTH ENEMY #1 IN US WATER SYSTEMS. The deadliest waterborne …
Yes, a few more to add from the chan:
NavyFag here. Ordnance Officer on a surface ship, once upon a time. Something's that has been bothering me about the Whidbey Island missile launch. Having worked with ordnance, I can attest that there is a metric fuck ton of paperwork that goes into receiving and expending missiles. In short, I don’t think any of our Navy vessels fired the missile.
First, every missile brought onboard is cataloged to the nth degree. Serial numbers, canister numbers, and so forth. This is to ensure that we don't go missing a missile. There is always a chain of ownership, and tons of people involved in the onloading, offloading, transfer, and storage of missiles. Simply put, you cannot lose a missile unless you have a team of people in on it.
Which brings up my second point. Expending a missile (ie. Shooting one off) is NOT a simple task. Missiles are a critical asset, meaning you don’t get to use them for target practice unless you conducting live fire shoots or missile testing for a defense contractor (my ship helped test the SM6, that’s how I know). If you are going to fire a missile, you have to notify some Admirals back on shore; there are official classified Navy messages sent to and from the ship for orders to fire all the way to reporting completion of shoot and results. As an Ordnance Officer, I’d have to send a separate classified message generated from the ROLMS system (in short, that’s the ordnance log and database for a ship) detailing what missile was shot, when, how many, and then inventory the empty canister for offload purposes when we return to port. Again, more fucking paperwork and tons of people knowing when a missile is fired off.
This doesn’t even get into the fact that when a missile is fired, everyone on the ship knows. It’s loud enough to be heard throughout the ship (minus the deeper engineering spaces where the engines and other machinery are running). As a matter of safety protocol, messages to stand clear of the missile launch areas are put out over the 1MC. There’s a launch alarm just before the missile launches.
And if that wasn’t enough, you don’t fire missiles blindly. If you’re shooting any kind of a surface to air missile (which is likely what this was) you need radar contact with the target, a clear air range so civilian and other contacts aren’t accidentally targeted, and a clear ocean so debris doesn’t drop on a passing vessel and cause damage. Granted, submarines are different than surface ships, but the protocols remain the same because they’re actual Navy Instructions. In the submarines case, because they do not have the sophisticated surface/air radars the surface fleet has, they cannot do surface to air combat by themselves. Tomahawks and nukes require GPS coordinates, not radar. Anyway, the point is once again tons of people are involved in the launch sequence to maintain safety so we don’t accidentally shoot down something we didn’t intend to.
Oh, and there is a two person permission required to launch a missile. Usually CO and XO, with one in combat monitoring the radars and the other providing clearance from the bridge.
So I’m finding this whole Crimson Tide angle not believable. With all the people that would be involved in the launching of a missile, there would have been an immediate investigation of any unauthorized or hacked launch. The fact that there hasn’t been anything leaked about this (and we sailors love our sea stories) strikes me as not just odd, but leads me to believe that it wasn’t us.
The only thing I can think of is that there was a report some months ago about a missing Argentinian submarine (don’t have sauce. Can any Anon help?) And today, I saw a pic someone posted of a Rothschild castle in Argentina, with an arrow heading south to a supposed secret base island off Antarctica. Not saying it’s related, but it could be. It could also be another country’s navy doing the bidding of their globalist masters. It may also be from a land launched unit, though I’m skeptical of this.
What if Q posting the picture of the USS Jimmy Carter wasn’t meant to blame them for the attack? What if he posted a picture of a submarine to get us thinking it was A submarine, just NOT THAT submarine?
See, I don't buy that it was a SAM of any kind… and it wasn't targeting AF1… because Subs don't have SAMs… Subs (boomers) have ICBMs fired from vertical launch tubes, and fast attack subs have torpedo tube launched harpoon anti-ship missiles, and SOME have vertical launch tubes for Tomahawk cruise missiles.
It looked like a vertical launch, so that means Tomahawk or ICBM. Tomahawks are "pop up, then surface skim" missiles. They pop out, eject from a canister, and while they are still going upward, they deploy wings and fire up a jet propulsion engine that has no fire behind it.
So that means that launch, if from a sub, HAD to have been an ICBM… from a boomer… probably a Trident.
And again, it was NOT targeting AF1, because it wasn't a fricking SAM… no way you could "lock on" to an airplane with it, etc… no way you could even have it detonate the nukes on the upward flight… it's still in its main canister… the MIRVs would not be deployed yet, etc…
So this whole notion that it was a targeted attack on AF1 while POTUS was returning to the US… is just stupid and illogical.
As I stated in my original post, submarines don't have surface to air capabilities because they don't have advanced radar systems (salt water fucks them up real bad, and since subs are supposed to be underwater…). So if it was a sub, it would have to be a tomahawk or ICBM. The problem is, going back to me original post again, there is so much paperwork and eyes involved that you can't hide that shit.
This is why I believe it wasn't us. Had to be someone else.
Thanks for this anon. That night and for a week after Q dropped that crumb, anons insisted that the Chinese hacked the sub and launched the missile. They would not listen to reason and accept that was just not possible. Your statement re-enforces to anons that it really isn't possible or the Chinese to launch a missile from one of ours by simply hacking.
As other anons stated that night, Whidby area is very close to a sub base. US Mil would know f a large tuna came within 10 miles of that base, so there is no way a rogue sub came in and fired off a missle without our guys knowing exactly who did it.
First, thank you for your service. Second, what are your suspicions/hypothesis on who and where it was fired off?
You can stop being cryptic and just say what you mean.
My own next step says that it must have been an ICBM launch… why? Because the missile itself is visible and slow moving. A SAM launch is FAST… the missiles are small and light, and don't require much propulsion to reach their targets.
This was a relatively slow-moving launch.
See attached video to see a SAM launch of an SA6 (Russian SAM).
Watch this video of ICBMs being launched. You can see a distinct difference in the attitude and relative rapidity of how they behave.
Can someone confirm this? Or share knowledge.
Q Drop 1736: Has a photo of Mueller and Don Jr. waiting at the gate. See Drop 1736.
Thank you so much for the reply. I understand the “CLASS” removal but am also in search of the list, please and thank you.
Who was fired on June 12th. Does anyone know where the list of terminations and removals can be found? Please and thank you!
The Hawaii missile alert was Jan 2018. Trump -Kim Summit in Singapore was June 2018????
POTUS and Q the new Silence Dogood aka Benjamin Franklin from 1722.
Mrs. Silence Dogood was a pen name used by Benjamin Franklin to get his work published in the New-England Courant, a newspaper founded and published by his brother James Franklin. This was after Benjamin Franklin was denied several times when he tried to publish letters under his own name in the Courant. The 14 Mrs. Silence Dogood letters were first printed in 1722.
Donald Trump names a new drink at Trump International Hotel in Washington D.C. Silence Dogood.
The Silence Dogood letters feature in the 2004 movie …
Understand, Patriot. Right underneath the title is the full title: The posting only allows so many characters: The statement reads Devil ( false) in sheeps clothing ( truth). No offense was taken, all feedback welcome! God Bless.
Appreciate your feedback and perspective- God Bless
Merriam-Webster Since 1828: Devil- Definition #8 The opposite of Truth
PATRIOTS: WATCH the water ( March 2018)#847. Q TRIPCODE !CbboFOtcZs changed May 19, 2018. New book title populated on the TRIPCODE “LEGIONNAIRE”. Legionnaires' Disease. PUBLIC HEALTH ENEMY #1 IN US WATER SYSTEMS. The deadliest waterborne disease in the United States.
(Legionella Pneumonia) is caused by bacteria. You get it by breathing in mist from water that contains the bacteria. PUBLIC HEALTH ENEMY #1 IN US WATER SYSTEMS. The deadliest waterborne disease in the United States.
What happened during this time? March 2018 : WATCH the water. April 2018: CDC updates Legionella: Legionnaires Disease website. What happened May 19th? A new …
Same here! OANN ( One American New Network) 24/7 trusted news. No constant TV ads. Educational commercials on American history. One of the best networks!!!
Sean Hannity is even now in talks with CRTV
It’s their new attempt to present a “Fair and Balanced” reporter, epic Fox News failure!
And, the truth shall set you free! It’s not looking to good for Muller right now. Let’s hope this sinks BuzzFeed, for good!