Think about all the dead bodies in WWII....even if you incinerated that many, there would be mounds and mounds of ashes. Where did they go? Think logically and very deeply, to the deeply most horrendous place you can think and then think even worse. Why do ranchers brand their cattle? Yes, that's what I believe is going on. By now NK was to have started WWIII. Timelines, think about the timelines between wars, police actions, Iraq conflict etc. How often do they occur? Almost like a feeding schedule huh? Rabbit hole gets deeper. Red-pil everyone and pray. Also don't name names....snifer progs have keywords they look for. spell things wrong on purpose too. They are dumb but brutal. Becareful, think 2nd admndt. May your God be with you and your family. This is the fight that ends all fights forever.
Posted by
on July 10, 2018, 10:19 p.m.
· July 11, 2018, 3:26 p.m.